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Staraptor - Strong Breeze Attack


Aspiring Trainer
So apparently I like bad decks, so here is my next one.

  • 4 Starly
  • 2 Staravia
  • 4 Staraptor
  • 4 Seedot
  • 2 Nuzleaf
  • 4 Shiftry (Giant Fan)

  • 4 Professor Juniper
  • 4 N
  • 2 Colress
  • 4 Rare Candy
  • 4 Team Plasma Badge
  • 4 Pokemon Catcher
  • 2 Asperita City Gym
  • 2 Tool Scrapper
  • 1 Rock Guard
  • 3 Colress Machines

  • 4 Darkness
  • 4 Plasma
  • 4 Double Colourless

So the basic Strategy is to keep the opponent bouncing Pokemon, eventually forcing them to empty their bench and lose the game.
This deck is not play tested and seems terrible but I want to see what I can do with Staraptor.
RE: Staraptor-Strong Breeze attack

Some sort of energy acceleration is always helpful for Staraptor. The soon you have it up and running the sooner it will be able to strong breeze. Though I don't think plasma badge is the answer. I've seen Victini be really helpful for Staraptor.
RE: Staraptor-Strong Breeze attack

Pooka on bad deck Monday used Victini and DCE for energy acceleration I've seen the deck run a few times and it's definently a fun deck even though it's not very competitive. :)
RE: Staraptor-Strong Breeze attack

As much as i would like to see porygon Z doing something useful. Only having 4 plasma energy moving around isnt that great, you would also need plasma badge and colress machine. Both taking up space. If you were going to do that you might as well use hydreigon. Dark energy is a lot easier to move around and can be retrieved back once lost.
RE: Staraptor-Strong Breeze attack

Ivy_Profen said:
As much as i would like to see porygon Z doing something useful. Only having 4 plasma energy moving around isnt that great, you would also need plasma badge and colress machine. Both taking up space. If you were going to do that you might as well use hydreigon. Dark energy is a lot easier to move around and can be retrieved back once lost.

You don't NEED Plasma Badge, you just Colress Machine into Porygon-Z and then move it to the one you want it to.
RE: Staraptor-Strong Breeze attack

But until you get Porygon Z out. The colress machines are just going to sit in your hand. With two stage 2 pokemon. Its not going to be very consistent. If you do manage to have both basics on the field and 1 rare candy + both their evolutions. What are you going to evolve? You can go with Porygon Z so you can get energy on the field but not be able to do much with it. Or you could evolve into Staraptor and do nothing with lack of energy. I dont think energy acceleration with another 2nd step is a good idea. It would just take way too long to set up and get going. At least with something like Victini you can have turn 2 staraptor attacking. Instead of like turn 4 or 5, assuming both pokemon survive that long, with you not really putting pressure on your opponent.