The main attacker is Starmie. The goal is to deny the opponent energy. Starmie does 10 base damage but if the opponents active pokemon has the same amount of energy then Starmie's attack does 60 more damage. Crawdaunt can help to reduce the amount of energy on opponent's Pokemon while being paired with an abundance of hammers and other energy discarding cards like Team Flare Grunt and Xerosic. Slurpuff is to draw cards while using the odd ball supporters. What do you all think of this deck?
3-3 Starmie
3-3 Crawdaunt
2-2 Slurpuff
2 Exeggcute
4 Professor Juniper
2 Team Flare Grunt
1 AZ
1 Lysandre
1 Xerosic
1 Lysandre's Trump Card
3 Ultra Ball
4 Acro Bike
4 VS Seeker
3 Battle Compressor
4 Crushing Hammer
2 Enhanced Hammer
4 Dimensional Valley
3 Super Scoop Up
2 Muscle Band
1 Float Stone
1 Computer Search
1 switch
The main attacker is Starmie. The goal is to deny the opponent energy. Starmie does 10 base damage but if the opponents active pokemon has the same amount of energy then Starmie's attack does 60 more damage. Crawdaunt can help to reduce the amount of energy on opponent's Pokemon while being paired with an abundance of hammers and other energy discarding cards like Team Flare Grunt and Xerosic. Slurpuff is to draw cards while using the odd ball supporters. What do you all think of this deck?