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States (Darkrai EX / Yveltal EX / Hydreigon)


Kingdra Player!

  • 3 Yveltal EX
    2 Darkrai EX
    4-2-2/2 Hydreigon Line (2 Dark Trance, 2 Dark Impulse)
    1 M Manectric EX
    1 Manectric EX
    1 Yveltal XY

  • 4 Rare Candy
    4 Ultra Ball
    3 Muscle Band
    3 Max Potion
    2 Startling Megaphone
    1 Computer Search
    4 N
    3 Professor Juniper
    3 Skyla
    2 Lysandre
    1 Shadow Circle

  • 8 Darkness Energy
    4 Rainbow Energy

Get out Hydreigons as well as Darkrai / Yveltal as fast as possible. Use either Hydreigon to get rid of Pyroar. Dark Impulse Hydriegon and the Manectric line are for energy retrieval.
I'm coming out of a year long hiatus just to go to my States since I haven't missed one yet since I started playing. I don't know exactly what I'll be up against, so I'd like the most help just to make it as consistent as possible. Thanks for helping!
RE: [States] Darkrai/Hydreigon/Yveltal

Firstly, this format carries a particularly annoying slimy thing, named Seismitoad-EX. This card is pretty common, locking you out of items completely for a pretty long time, which often renders Rare Candy useless. The EX actually has killed many Stage 2 decks.

-1 M-Manectric-EX (A 1 off of this thing isn't really useful)
-1 Manectric-EX (A 1 off of this thing isn't really useful)
-1 Hydreigon Dark Trance (Item lock kills...)
-1 Deino (Item lock kills...)
-2 Rare Candy (Only bother playing 2)
-2 Skyla (You'll find you'll normally opt over draw power compared to searching for a Trainer.)
-4 Rainbow (Not worth using, especially with Enhanced Hammers in format)
-1 Darkness Energy (Try 7)
-1 Ultra Ball/Zwelious (Depends on your testing. Zwelious may not be need if you're rare candying more than evolving straight on).

+1 Yveltal XY (You want to start out with him, though may not be required in this deck. If you find you need the Ultra Ball/Zwelious, don't add another one of these.)
+4 Double Colourless Energy (A staple in any Yveltal/Darkrai deck)
+1 Energy Switch (You generally run a few of these, but with your strategy, 1 should suffice)
+1 Juniper (4 is the norm ATM)
+2 Colress (A great draw card)
+2 VS Seeker (Staple)
+2 Shadow Circle (Stadiums are in abundance now)
+1 Switch (Just in case)