RSE/FRLG Stats for never used Pokemon in the classics (R/B/Y/G/S/C/R/S/E/LG/FR)


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I was going through LG for the billion and fourth time when I started to play the main game with Pokemon I had never used before. Stuff like Arbok, Sandslash, Nidoking and the like.
So, to get away from the Nuzlocke topics, which really should have their own forum by now, let's get some actual in-game talk about Ye Olden Generations and get this forum going.

I started LG and I found that Charmander as your starter, pairing up with good leveling and a butterfree can make it to the second gym easily. Bellsprout after this can grab easy levels with it's early learning Vine Whip and take out Misty, along with some people along the path to Bill. All the Pokemon so far can easily be caught and trained and it makes a solid team for end game. Going back to catch a Sandshrew will also be usefull, teaching it Dig and Rock Tomb can allow it to get easy levels in small time and buff it up for Surge.

Anyone else have any usefull tips on for UU Pokemon in early generations?
RE: Strats for UU in-game Pokemon for the classics. (R/B/Y/G/S/C/R/S/E/LG/FR)

UU is, believe it or not, a pretty diverse tier, and there are a lot of viable Pokemon that can be used in UU to a great effect. However, there are some problems. For example, you mentioned Nidoking. It's strategy today is a usually choiced Special attacker, and that role cannot be fulfilled with mid-game resources. This means that you'll have do do some research and come up with your own set/strategy. This rule entails a lot of Pokemon, so it's hard to find a place to start. Regardless, UU Pokemon are still great Pokemon to use, and they are the best Pokemon to utilize for type advantages.
RE: Strats for UU in-game Pokemon for the classics. (R/B/Y/G/S/C/R/S/E/LG/FR)

Grind. Basically that's it if you're having trouble.

You can win with a team of any six dudes you want. Tiering...really doesn't mean much in-game.
RE: Strats for UU in-game Pokemon for the classics. (R/B/Y/G/S/C/R/S/E/LG/FR)

No, you misunderstand. Maybe I shouldn't have used a competitive term for in-game. In other words:
What Pokemon strategies can be used to great effect in-game using Pokemon that are never used?

I suppose that would be a better way to word it. Taking you out of your comfort zone.
RE: Strats for never used Pokemon in-game for the classics. (R/B/Y/G/S/C/R/S/E/LG/FR)

I've started replaying Yellow again lately (lol), and in it, this is the first time I've actually raised a Butterfree beyond level 15. And I am not disappoint; it gets rid of pesky Poison-types like it's nobody's business. It'll probably hold me off for a long while yet until I get a real Psychic-type...

Honestly, if you want to try and stretch yourself with the UUs, just find a balanced team of any 6 (or plan ahead for it), catch them in-game, and then just raise them like you would a regular team. In short, play with a different team than you normally would. The strategy's pretty much the same - wipe out everyone that comes your way.
Right now I'm doing that in Yellow - raising a team that with 2/3 of the members I've never used before. (Dugtrio and Vileplume are the repeat players, and even those are considered UU, but they're amazing in-game, especially Dugtrio.)
RE: Strats for never used Pokemon in-game for the classics. (R/B/Y/G/S/C/R/S/E/LG/FR)

I always use the pokes no one else uses, it makes the game funner to play and a challenge. Like said, any six pokes will work throughout the game. For strategies, I always have a pokemon with Toxic or a move that can put stuff to sleep.