This is my first major tourney deck I've made so please be nice & easy on it. The meta-game around here are unique and different so the play style is usually a mysterious match that you don't know what exactly you're playing against so strategies here are different every time; and by unique I'm referring that luxchomp/jumpluff/sablelock etc. the common decks aren't often played.
// Pokemon // (24)
4-3-1 gliscor X (LA holo gliscor)
2-2-1 drapion X (SF drapion)
2-1-2 crobat prime
2 sableye (SF)
2 crobat G
1 uxie (LA)
1 chatot (MD)
// T/S/S // (18)
2 rare candy
2 pokemon communication
2 Bebe's search
2 looker's investigation
1 flower shop lady
1 luxury ball
1 fisherman
1 interviewer's question
1 cynthia's feelings
1 cyrus conspiracy
1 pokemon collector
// ENERGIES // (18)
{F} 6 fighting
{P} 6 psychic
{D} 3 dark
{D} 3 special dark
// Strategy //
- Lead off with sableye to set up for drapion/gliscor/crobat prime otherwise the trainers & supporters there will assist for search. Once the set up is complete I can do the following things; paraburn with gliscor X for lock, tank + trap/poison with drapion X (yes I hate the flippy effects they can be unreliable sometimes), and snipe retreating pokemon with crobat prime or just give off a severe poison.
Any questions just ask and I'll tell you why or what this card is in it. Thanks!
// Pokemon // (24)
4-3-1 gliscor X (LA holo gliscor)
2-2-1 drapion X (SF drapion)
2-1-2 crobat prime
2 sableye (SF)
2 crobat G
1 uxie (LA)
1 chatot (MD)
// T/S/S // (18)
2 rare candy
2 pokemon communication
2 Bebe's search
2 looker's investigation
1 flower shop lady
1 luxury ball
1 fisherman
1 interviewer's question
1 cynthia's feelings
1 cyrus conspiracy
1 pokemon collector
// ENERGIES // (18)
{F} 6 fighting
{P} 6 psychic
{D} 3 dark
{D} 3 special dark
// Strategy //
- Lead off with sableye to set up for drapion/gliscor/crobat prime otherwise the trainers & supporters there will assist for search. Once the set up is complete I can do the following things; paraburn with gliscor X for lock, tank + trap/poison with drapion X (yes I hate the flippy effects they can be unreliable sometimes), and snipe retreating pokemon with crobat prime or just give off a severe poison.
Any questions just ask and I'll tell you why or what this card is in it. Thanks!