Ruling Stealthy Hood vs Mewtwo & Mew GX


PokéBeach Articles Editor
Articles Staff
I just wanted to check the ruling on whether Stealthy Hood cancels out attacks by Mewtwo & Mew-Gx as my understanding is the effect of the ability is the copied attack, and Stealthy Hood protects the Pokemon it’s attached to from the affects of abilities upon it.
My opinion is that Mewtwo's ability is used on the attack and the attack is used on the defending Pokemon. That means that Stealthy Hood would not affect Mewtwo's attack. However, I don't know the really know. You might want to ask a judge.
this was answered about a month ago on pokegym

PokePop said:
The effects of their Abilities is on Marshadow GX and the "Mew3 GX" themselves, not on the Defending Pokémon.
Once they have used the Ability to access an attack, they are using that attack, not an ability, and it is an attack effect and attack damage being done, not effects of an Ability.

hope that clarifies things
this was answered about a month ago on pokegym

hope that clarifies things
Thanks! That does clarify things. I must admit, I’m a Judge but I find Stealthy Hood quite hard to work out sometimes. There are cases where it’s obvious (Detention Gas, Nine Temptations etc.) but others where it’s hazy, like passive abilities.
Just think of it like a shield, or a protective bubble. It covers the Pokémon it's attached to, and no ability can break through it.

MewMewTwo's ability affects MewMewTwo ("This Pokémon can use the attacks of any Pokémon-GX or Pokémon-EX on your Bench or in your discard pile."), not any other Pokémon, so it's in the clear - no ability breaks through.