What you want to do is get attackers on the bench and then get metal energies in the discard. Then get Bronzong put energy from the discard onto the attackers. Try to get OHKOs. Please post things I could fix!
4 Bronzor-PHP
4 Bronzong-PHP
2 Dialgia EX-PHP
2 Mewtwo EX-LTR
1 Aegislash EX-PHP
1 Cobalion-LTR
1 Cobalion EX-PLS
4 Professor Sycamore
3 N
3 Shauna
1 Colress
1 Pokemon Center Lady
4 Ultra Ball
4 Hypnotoxic Laser
3 Muscle Band
3 VS Seeker
2 Pokemon Catcher
2 Startling Megaphone
1 Battle Compressor
1 Professor's Letter
1 Scramble Switch (no better one right now, I mean I don't own a better one)
2 Virbank City Gym
11 Metal Energy
What you want to do is get attackers on the bench and then get metal energies in the discard. Then get Bronzong put energy from the discard onto the attackers. Try to get OHKOs. Please post things I could fix!