steven sylvestro/ secret rogue

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3nd coming
kay, so I was just wondering, do you guys think steven sylvestro is pissed since he can't even go through a season without his new deck become a popular metagame thing?

I mean, it would be like if you were on the phone with your friend going, "Imma run swablu lock for battle roads" then it somehow spreads though pokebeach/gym and you end up in a mirror match. sounds awful to me.

whats your guys' opinions?
It happens when you win a major event. If you're surprised that people like your lists and your playstyle after winning a huge event, you need to know that it will inevitably happen on the Internet. There's just no changing that. And honestly, I would be flattered that people care so much that they want to know what I would be running (or whoever it is).

dmaster out.
Vulpix Yolk said:
It would be kinda pecky, but it would be kinda neat at the same time IDK what to think

lol you mean pesky?

yeah I'm not sure, I might be flattered but god would it be annoying
i was mad because it was dreadfully similar to the team silcoon secret deck that we'd been working on since forever... but his addition of garchomp was surely a nice touch. quality player he is.
He actually told me that he wanted people to copy it to the point where it became a metagame deck. He said he wanted it to catch on just like gyarados.
It's not so bad. GeChamp originated at FL States last year and exploded to be the BDIF for regionals. It's no surprise that the decks that won Regionals were GeChamp counters.

It's almost guaranteed that if a new deck shows up at a tournament down here and wins, there will be a handful of copycats the next tournament. This leads to sub-par and poorly put together copycat decks that often aren't consistent enough. So it's really not a bad thing.

Steve is a great player, and we've got a ton of them down here. Jim Roll, Steve's Dad John, Aaron Curry, Santiago Rodriguez, The Craigs, Jason K, the list just goes on and on.... Imagine trying to win a BR when you have to face the World Champ who's won every previous Battle Road for the season.
Vulpix Yolk said:
Man FL metagame sounds SCARY

It really can be, and sometimes I read what wins in other areas and just think "Wow. That wouldn't even have gone even here..."
ApachePrime said:
It's not so bad. GeChamp originated at FL States last year and exploded to be the BDIF for regionals. It's no surprise that the decks that won Regionals were GeChamp counters.

It's almost guaranteed that if a new deck shows up at a tournament down here and wins, there will be a handful of copycats the next tournament. This leads to sub-par and poorly put together copycat decks that often aren't consistent enough. So it's really not a bad thing.

Steve is a great player, and we've got a ton of them down here. Jim Roll, Steve's Dad John, Aaron Curry, Santiago Rodriguez, The Craigs, Jason K, the list just goes on and on.... Imagine trying to win a BR when you have to face the World Champ who's won every previous Battle Road for the season.

ApachePrime said:
Vulpix Yolk said:
Man FL metagame sounds SCARY

It really can be, and sometimes I read what wins in other areas and just think "Wow. That wouldn't even have gone even here..."

Gechamp would have won regs in FL last year if graften didn't get eaten by SHuppet lol then again I got eaten to. and the I hate playing here sometimes it's like could it get any harder I mean at each tournemnt you see at least this

1 world Champ most of the time
1 top ranked world player
1 States/ Regs winner

That is the least you see alot of the time and probebely more

2 world Champs sometimes
1-2 top ranked world player
2-3 States/ Regs winner

and that is what is normally at a floride states/regs
gengar the baller said:
FL Seniors isn't that hard, its the Masters where all the competiton is.

IDK I still think that seniors is pretty hard

And to you Jade we have more the one or two top ranked players I mean we have at least 20 that are in top 200 including master seniors and juniors

Juniors right now is you have about 4 people that are really good
Seniors you have about 6 people that are really good
Master well that doesn't matter no one cares:p

the list is pretty easy to find of make but to know how to run it is the hard thing everyone I know says it sucks but then again they don't know how to run it in a way it takes a little skill. Even though it is one of the cheepest decks around.

Well at the tournaments over here, all of them always have the top 10 players attending. It is so hard :/

Oh wait, this is a thread about a deck becoming popular. Last time I checked, moaning or bragging about how good the quality of players are doesn't fit in that category.

Anyway, regarding the question, Im thinking he would be happy that his deck has been noticed and it has done the job, it won States and to my knowledge it still is kind of a secret in terms of decklist.
ApachePrime said:
It really can be, and sometimes I read what wins in other areas and just think "Wow. That wouldn't even have gone even here..."

You're welcome to come up North and test that theory. If you did, we could establish that you're not just blindly making foolish assumptions.

As for Stephen Silvestro, I think it's pretty cool to have your rogue deck turn archetype. I definitely agree with his view on netdecking, and that deckbuilding is a skill that merits wins just as much as in-game playing.
vegitalian said:
You're welcome to come up North and test that theory. If you did, we could establish that you're not just blindly making foolish assumptions.

As for Stephen Silvestro, I think it's pretty cool to have your rogue deck turn archetype. I definitely agree with his view on netdecking, and that deckbuilding is a skill that merits wins just as much as in-game playing.
I'm sure that what he meant was that FL is more competitive than Most other states.
crm103top08 said:
I'm sure that what he meant was that FL is more competitive than Most other states.

I really wasn't meaning to insult anyone. I don't even know who vegetalian is, let alone where he/she plays. I was merely commenting that I read reports of decks that win, and know it wouldn't do that well here. Florida requires a level of play that is higher than quite a few other areas. I'm not discrediting those areas or the good players in them, just that there is a much larger concentration of great players in this area.
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