Wi-Fi Trades Stevenk's Hidden Ability Trade Thread - Closed

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Aspiring Trainer
Friend Code: 4270-2482-7129 IGN steve
Time Zone: Eastern European Time
Times Available: Various times

Since i completed all HAs i'll ask for this thread to be locked

i can breed or catch the following released HAs:


-All gen 6 ha pokemon (ha scatterbug marine)
-All gen 5 ha pokemon
-All gen 4 ha pokemon
-All gen 3 ha pokemon
-All gen 2 ha pokemon
-All gen 1 ha pokemon
-All friend safari available ha pokemon


RE: Hidden ability trade thread

Could I get a HA Charmander? I can work on getting you one of the HA Pokémon you need
RE: Hidden ability trade thread

ok i'm ready.
when you are ready, find me online on pss

check the pm i have send you
RE: Hidden Ability Trade Thread

thank you as well!!!
anything else you need ,don't hesitate to tell me
RE: Hidden Ability Trade Thread

Hi stevenk! :)
I have a Moxie Pinsir. Would you trade it for your Protean Keckleon?
RE: Hidden Ability Trade Thread

hi prince dedenne!!
got you a piplup defiant as well.check my pm
and sure i'll take a pinsir moxie.i believe i have a kecleon ready

tell me when to get online.need some time to breed piplup
RE: Hidden Ability Trade Thread

Oh? So you have Snow Warning Amaura and Adaptability Skrelp then? :D
RE: Hidden Ability Trade Thread

forgot to mention that!
only the released ones
let me edit my post
RE: Hidden Ability Trade Thread

stevenk said:
hi prince dedenne!!
got you a piplup defiant as well.check my pm
and sure i'll take a pinsir moxie.i believe i have a kecleon ready

tell me when to get online.need some time to breed piplup

Cool, I'll try and catch a Soundproof Snover for you. Would that be a fair trade? I'll be online for the next few hours, so if I see you online I'll send you a trade request.
RE: Hidden Ability Trade Thread

sure .
i'll breed you a piplup and i'll find you online
i have kecleon ready

glad we made the trade!!
thanks very much!!
RE: Hidden Ability Trade Thread


Yes, I have some 3rd geneartion with HA, that I can breed.
But I went through 3 boxes just now, so before I search through all my 30+ boxes, can you tell me if you have any of my wants?

See above (1st post) plus
Female Drowzee
RE: Hidden Ability Trade Thread

i have some of your wants(shiny mew,arceus,monsoon vivillon,leftovers,houndoomite,everstone,enigma berry,master ball)
but unfortunately i need to keep them,cause i have only one of each
if you can't trade ha for ha ,then i guess we can't trade.
too bad though.
i really wanted to trade with you.
RE: Hidden Ability Trade Thread

I'm not that into HA pokemon, so sorry it just time issues. I can give you a egg of a HA cacnea though, if you have a drowzee (any drowzee). Or maybe an HA cat type pokemon.
RE: Hidden Ability Trade Thread

sorry i have no drowzee
i already have cacnea
does espurr ha count as a cat? cause i have that
tell you what
if i manage to find something of your wants list
i'll let you know
RE: Hidden Ability Trade Thread

Ok thanks! If I get some free time (which may not be until after August Pokemon worlds) - I should be able then to search through all my pokemon and maybe get you what you are missing. I will probably just breed another drowzee from my hypno.
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