Pokemon: 15 (11 basics)
Strategy: Synergy + Having an answer to common meta problems.
Virizion EX is the answer to Seismatoad EX. Even if they shut down Verdant Wind with Garbodor, you still resist water and hit the toad for weakness while powering up other attackers.
Mewtwo is the answer to Lucario EX, opposing Mewtwos or Deoxys, and anything that uses up a lot of energy.
Seismatoad is good against Landorus and fire pokemon, but it's item lock is especially nice when you also have something that can block supporters (Stoutland). Sure, you can't block both at the same time, but I see it as alternate disruption methods.
Dedenne helps set up, but is also very good against Yveltal EX.
Finally, Stoutland, the reason I made the deck. I think it's an underrated Pokemon. The attack is not bad and the ability can be a huuuge pain for unsuspecting opponents. In the past, catcher was this cards biggest obsticle, but since it's been nerfed to a coin flip, people use Lysandre, a supporter, instead. I could never get this to work, but I think Virizion EX works best. It provides the acceleration while also protecting you from lasers, one of the few items that could hurt you.
Unfortunately, the deck hasn't worked too well. I lost to many decks, including freaking Aegislash.
I think the deck needs some kind of sniping (Genesect maybe?) to take easy prizes.
3-1-3 Stoutland (ability)
2 Virizion EX
2 Mewtwo EX
2 Seismetoad EX
2 Dedenne
3 Rare Candy
3 Muscle Band
3 Ultra Ball
2 Switch
2 Bicycle (more draw)
1 Escape Rope
1 Professor's Letter
1 Startling Megaphone
1 Energy Switch (Very good "one of", especially with Virizion.)
1 Dowsing Machine
4 N
3 Colress
3 Skyla
2 Juniper
2 Lysandre
1 Fan Club
8 Grass
Strategy: Synergy + Having an answer to common meta problems.
Virizion EX is the answer to Seismatoad EX. Even if they shut down Verdant Wind with Garbodor, you still resist water and hit the toad for weakness while powering up other attackers.
Mewtwo is the answer to Lucario EX, opposing Mewtwos or Deoxys, and anything that uses up a lot of energy.
Seismatoad is good against Landorus and fire pokemon, but it's item lock is especially nice when you also have something that can block supporters (Stoutland). Sure, you can't block both at the same time, but I see it as alternate disruption methods.
Dedenne helps set up, but is also very good against Yveltal EX.
Finally, Stoutland, the reason I made the deck. I think it's an underrated Pokemon. The attack is not bad and the ability can be a huuuge pain for unsuspecting opponents. In the past, catcher was this cards biggest obsticle, but since it's been nerfed to a coin flip, people use Lysandre, a supporter, instead. I could never get this to work, but I think Virizion EX works best. It provides the acceleration while also protecting you from lasers, one of the few items that could hurt you.
Unfortunately, the deck hasn't worked too well. I lost to many decks, including freaking Aegislash.
I think the deck needs some kind of sniping (Genesect maybe?) to take easy prizes.