Straight Edge

Fridge said:
Smoking, neva either. People don't realise how bad smoking really is. You might say 'well, just once or twice' but you can't stop. Its addictive. You get hooked, and beforfe oyu know it you're doing 40 a day and have niccotine slabs ll the way up your arm. Next thing you have a stroke or lung cancer. In many ways, its AS dangerous as drugs. More deadly, however, because people aren't as afraid as they are of drugs.

It is addictive, but I have what I call a three week rule. Bad habit? Just don't do it for three weeks. I mean really, don't do it. Cured me on a lot of habits, not just bad ones. However, if you're older, it is harder to stop; I have seen that.

dmaster out.
d master342 said:
It is addictive, but I have what I call a three week rule. Bad habit? Just don't do it for three weeks. I mean really, don't do it. Cured me on a lot of habits, not just bad ones. However, if you're older, it is harder to stop; I have seen that.

dmaster out.

Yeah, well, maybe you can will yourself to stop when you want, but most of the time (at least as I've observed), people are unable to do that. Once addicted, many people can't simply will themselves to stop for three weeks. The much too strong. The more they consider it, the more they're blinded to the outcome; they see the immediate benefit, which is pleasure, loss of pain, etc.

Oh yes, I am "straight edge". Why wouldn't I be? So I can shorten my life? Wreck my relationships with secrets and apathy? Kill myself and potentially friends in an awful car wreck/other accident? Live with disabilities, pains, and regrets for the rest of my shortened life? Lol, no.

And if that weren't enough, it's against my religion, to be given to drunkenness.
I didn't say whenever I want, I'm just saying, any addiction can and will be broken dependinon on the mindset. You're a so called "straight edge" anyway, so what does it mean? Nothing.

dmaster out.
Hopefully never gona do drugs or smoke >.<
Should'nt get drunk much either ... unless its on the 1st week of uni xD
So..... ?
13 acually ! :p

Anyways Mum and Dad let me have some Alchahol like some beer or something on a sunday ...
Well, I'm forced to live this lifestyle. I take medication for my disease everyday and I can't drink alcohol ever as long as I'm on it. I also have asthma so no cigarettes. And drugs just wouldn't mix with my disease. However, even without all these "complications", I'd never contemplate touching one of these 3 vile, addicting items which could ruin your life.
That's Good Chris:)
Like Chris I have Asthma so I am never planning on smoking, neither drinking. I don't see why people would want to do that stuff anyways.
Maybe red wine every now and then when I get older, but that is just because it honestly helps your Heart, but not a lot of it. It is supposed to help you live longer
I've basically been living this lifestyle to an extreme since I was a very little kid.

I've been forced (due to my body fighting off half of the things you probably take for granted i.e. milk and sugar) to have a very limited diet. Not only do I not do drugs or drink, but I don't eat diary products, wheat products, or high-on-sugar products.

I am a very straight-thinker aswell. If something has a slight risk and no real positive results (even if there's a 1/100% chance the risk will happen to me), I'll stay away from the item.

Even so, please don't hate on wine. It is said that it can increase your lifespan if you drink it in moderation. Also, drugs serve their purpose. My dog would probably be dead if drugs were banned. :(
z-man said:
I've basically been living this lifestyle to an extreme since I was a very little kid.

I've been forced (due to my body fighting off half of the things you probably take for granted I.e. milk and sugar) to have a very limited diet. Not only do I not do drugs or drink, but I don't eat diary products, wheat products, or high-on-sugar products.

I am a very straight-thinker aswell. If something has a slight risk and no real positive results (even if there's a 1/100% chance the risk will happen to me), I'll stay away from the item.

Even so, please don't hate on wine. It is said that it can increase your lifespan if you drink it in moderation. Also, drugs serve their purpose. My dog would probably be dead if drugs were banned. :(

When I say drugs, I mean drugs like meth, heroin , and so forth. But I also mean abusing prescription drugs. Prescription drugs are beneficial if taken under a physicians care and taken at the right amount. When i had my wisdom teeth taken out i got a prescription for a pain killer, I used them as told, and the pain went a way, though i still needed Excedrin because it still hurt, but i took them tell the pain subsided and then I stopped.
It literally seems like EVERYONE in college does something. Drinking, smoking, drugs, sex... even some of my best friends aren't innocent. But I think a lot of it starts in the home and with your parents. If kids are exposed to any of that as children, they're likely to do it. On the other hand, if parents don't take an interest in their kids, they'll like fall into corruption from influential peers.

I'll never understand WHY THE HECK ANYONE would ever want to PURPOSEFULLY do harm to their body through drinking, smoking, and drugs. It makes absolutely no sense, which is probably why kids do it since they think they're "cool" rebelling against the world. All the time on the bus to and from school I overhear (cougheavesdropcough) kids showing off about how they drank last night and talked their way out of cops arresting them or similar scenarios. But you know what? It may be cool to drink excessively now, but if you do it when you're older society negatively labels you a "drunk." In terms of drugs and smoking, you're just shortening your life span. I have never had a problem calling my friends idiots to their faces for doing things like that, and I can't stand this whole idea lately that "oh don't get in their business, let them do what they want, it's okay to do this stuff, everyone does it etc." YOU SMACK THOSE KIDS SILLY BECAUSE THEY ARE STUPID A WORDS. One time I literally took one of my friend's cigarettes boxes when they offered me one and hit them across the face with it HARD. STUPID ASS MORON. And then the other day in my discussion, my TA was talking about his drinking experience over the weekend (as he always does) and I gave him this really disapproving look and now he treats me like I am an adult and he is the child. It's kind of funny.

But yeah. Only a-word idiots do any of this stuff (generally).
gumby said:
For those of you that don't know what it is, here is an exert from Wikipedia:
Straight Edge refers to a lifestyle that started within the hardcore punk subculture whose adherents make a commitment to refrain from drinking alcohol, using tobacco products, and using recreational drugs. The term was coined by the 1980s hardcore punk band Minor Threat in the song "Straight Edge".

That's pretty accurate. The harDCore scene that formed in Washington DC share those beliefs pretty much (heck, one band from that scene had a song called "I Drink Milk"). Basically a lot of kids who decided that they didn't want to be like their stoner peers at school and on the streets. They didn't drink, smoke, or do drugs, and they also refrained from meaningless sex (although in a committed relationship I believe it would be acceptable). Basically a positive way to be one's self and not destroy your life.

Also, I don't know if this has been brought up in this thread yet or not, but another thing that has become a part of the "straight edge lifestyle" is marking the back of one's hand with an X in magic marker. This goes back to how clubs operated in the DC area... if a kid was underaged, the club would mark the back of their hand with an X so that the bartenders knew that no alcohol was to be sold to them. Those who were over the legal age for alcohol consumption could also have their hand marked if they wanted if I remember correctly.
Well... I guess I can consider myself to be in a Straight Edge lifestyle. I don't plan on to do any drugs or drink any time in my life.
I don't live this lifestyle. Maybe some of the red wine you guys were talking about, and the occasional rum, but nothing else. I do not want to damage my body like most people around my area has done by smoking and drinking.
/me (if he was a drugy) drools

I think not ever trying anything sorta gives life a boring outlook :p

But about the sex matter.... its gona happen at uni and college though right, at my sort of age its not nice well that was wrong what i just said but its stupid to do at our my age or even above for a bit >.<
You'll only damage your body if you have no self control. Sure, alchohol is bad when you get addicted to the stuff, but an occasional drink with your friends is just great.

Do I drink to be cool, or to purposefully harm my body? No, I drink to have fun and to relax, and I pity anyone who does it for any other reason. But looking through the posts here... that last point is something none of you seem to be addressing. ;p
Holy Star said:
Water Pokémon Master said:
It literally seems like EVERYONE in college does something.

Not me =D

Fess up Bela. Multiple personality disorder has to be a symptom for whatever you take. =0

dmaster out.