Ruling strange cave ?


veteran in game
you can use directly a rare candy for strange cave to a armaldo

i dont now please put your opinion
I don't know but is another question can rare candy evolve a fossil
For EXAMPLE a mysterius fossil into a kabutops
Please we need aswers
You guys didn't read the stickied thread on Rare Candy questions, did you?

Yes you can Candy a fossil.

No you can't Strange Cave an Armaldo into play, you have to Strange Cave the Anorith into play and THEN use Rare Candy on it (you can do this because Strange Caved Pokémon are treated as Basic).

The Compendium said:
Q. Can you use Rare Candy to evolve a Mysterious Fossil into an Omastar or Kabutops, or use it on a Root/Claw Fossil to evolve into Cradily/Armaldo?
A. It can. It counts as a basic Pokémon while in play. Omastar, Kabutops, Cradily, and Armaldo are Stage 2 Pokémon; you could use Rare Candy on the Fossil trainer to skip to them. (Oct 16, 2003 PUI Rules Team)

Do a little more work next time.
^Why does everytime pokeblader posts, ger posts.And when ger posts, pokeblader posts?
And do you mean use Rare Candy and Strange Cave at the same time?