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Striped Zeekels for BW block only


Aspiring Trainer
3 Tynamo (NV-2)
3 Eelektrik (NV)
3 Zekrom-EX
2 Zapdos (ND)
4 Professor Juniper (BW)
4 Level Ball (ND)
2 Pokemon Communication (BW)
4 Pokemon Catcher (EP)
3 Switch (BW)
15 Lightning Energy (BW)
4 Double Colorless Energy (ND)
3 Revive (BW)
4 PlusPower (BS)
3 Zebstrika (ND)
3 Blitzle (NV)

This time i think this could stand a chance against many deck (or at least i think it) Zebstrika stand the ground to maim opponent training cards while with Lightning Crash deal 80+10Pluspower damage to rear guard pokemon for a killing blow (elektrike and many stage 1 and some stage 2 pokemon) zapdos help him and help against fighting deck while zekex kill even terrakion (a disconnect killing blow make him less vulnerable) discard pokemon and energy with Prof J and revive pokemon and dynamotor energy. THIS IS A B&W deck made for the next block switch. Please help me i would know if put in some energy search or cilan to cycle energy at my best. See ya i hope you enjoy this deck and the totally random coin toss of zapdos (i'm a real lucky one).
You'll probably want some of the regular Zekroms (most run a 2-2 split of Zekrom and EX). If you do that, then I'd only run 3 DCE's. I personally would run Super Rod over Revive, since you have the Stage 1's. I'm not sure how I feel about Communication, but since it's BW-on, meaning no Collector, go for it.
first, let's put it in a clearer format

3 Tynamo (NV-2)
3 Eelektrik (NV)
3 Zekrom-EX
2 Zapdos (ND)
3 Zebstrika (ND)
3 Blitzle (NV)

4 Professor Juniper (BW)
4 Level Ball (ND)
2 Pokemon Communication (BW)
4 Pokemon Catcher (EP)
3 Switch (BW)
3 Revive (BW)
4 PlusPower (BS)

15 {L} (BW)
4 Double Colorless Energy (ND)

ok, now to make some changes. since this is BW-on, you can afford to include things like random receiver or ultra ball (these are explained at the bottom of the page)

remove the following:
-1 zapdos
-1 zekrom-EX

-2 revive
-1 switch

-4 lightning energy
-1 double colorless
(you will never need more than 14 total energies)

that gives us 10 cards to add, so...

+ 2 Zekrom (BW)

+ 4 N (NV)
+ 2 cheren OR bianca (EP)

+ 2 random receiver (this should be released in may, as part of dark explorers. same for ultra ball)

you need these for draw support and because the 2 prizes for zekrom EX are easy to lose.

I would also remove 1 or 2 level balls for the same amount of ultra balls, which work well with the eel's dynamotor.

effects for unreleased cards
Ultra Ball- Item trainer card

Discard 2 cards from your hand. Search your deck for a Pokémon, show it to your opponent, and put it into your hand. Shuffle your deck afterward.

you can use any number of Item cards during your turn

Random receiver- Item Trainer card

Turn over from the top of your deck until you reach a Supporter card. Put that card in your hand, and shuffle the cards you revealed into your deck.

you can use any number of Item cards during your turn

hope it helps
27th_wonder said:
first, let's put it in a clearer format

3 Tynamo (NV-2)
3 Eelektrik (NV)
3 Zekrom-EX
2 Zapdos (ND)
3 Zebstrika (ND)
3 Blitzle (NV)

4 Professor Juniper (BW)
4 Level Ball (ND)
2 Pokemon Communication (BW)
4 Pokemon Catcher (EP)
3 Switch (BW)
3 Revive (BW)
4 PlusPower (BS)

15 {L} (BW)
4 Double Colorless Energy (ND)

ok, now to make some changes. since this is BW-on, you can afford to include things like random receiver or ultra ball (these are explained at the bottom of the page)

remove the following:
-1 zapdos
-1 zekrom-EX

-2 revive
-1 switch

-4 lightning energy
-1 double colorless
(you will never need more than 14 total energies)

that gives us 10 cards to add, so...

+ 2 Zekrom (BW)

+ 4 N (NV)
+ 2 cheren OR bianca (EP)

+ 2 random receiver (this should be released in may, as part of dark explorers. same for ultra ball)

you need these for draw support and because the 2 prizes for zekrom EX are easy to lose.

I would also remove 1 or 2 level balls for the same amount of ultra balls, which work well with the eel's dynamotor.

effects for unreleased cards
Ultra Ball- Item trainer card

Discard 2 cards from your hand. Search your deck for a Pokémon, show it to your opponent, and put it into your hand. Shuffle your deck afterward.

you can use any number of Item cards during your turn

Random receiver- Item Trainer card

Turn over from the top of your deck until you reach a Supporter card. Put that card in your hand, and shuffle the cards you revealed into your deck.

you can use any number of Item cards during your turn

hope it helps

Thanks i created the deck with the card released up to next destiny i didn't know about those two cards! Only a question if i may ask: why must i use N it will let opponent have a good hand especially if you are winning! Thanks again any advice from expert player will help me!
If you're winning against a decent player, it will most likely be at most 2 prize cards, e.g., you have 2 and your opponent has 4. The small hand disrupts, but not yourself so much because you've had a chance to burn your hand before playing N. If, on the otherhand, you're losing, your opponent will have less cards than you, and that's always a nice perk. Also, if your going first, your opponent doesn't benefit from N.