I subscribed to two threads but in my USER CP it says I'm not subscribed to any. But then when I go back to the threads, it says I AM subscribed! Where can I find a list of my subscribed threads then?? D:
quick question...
What does it even DO (subscriptions i mean)
and i always find that i subscribe to stuff on accident (like random threads just show up on the list)
quick question...
What does it even DO (subscriptions I mean)
and I always find that I subscribe to stuff on accident (like random threads just show up on the list)
When someone posts it sends to your Email and tells you the thread has been bumped. I did it for a day and I had 100 Emails on one thread. Only use if you are on here all day or a moderator otherwise you will have a spammed email box basically. Don't do it unles you want Email coming on every post. XD.