the main strategy is using both gourgeist attacks, first one with only 1 energy I can spam 2 damage counters on every oponent's pokemons with a max of 120 damage that I can move with dusknoir ability sinister hand, the second attack puts damage counters on both gourgeist and my oponents active pokemon til they remain with 10 hp, which I can finish with hypnotoxic laser. Zekrom is there to face yveltals, since both dusknoir and gourgeist has weakness to dark pokemons, zekrom can one hit ko yveltals with outrage after it tooks 1 hit from baby yveltal + muscle band because outrage does 20+ amount of damage in itself, if baby yveltal attacks me with the first move will hit 30 + band 50 = 20+50 + 70(yveltal weakness) magical 140 damage with one double colorless. Wobbuffet is awsome too, specially in pair with dusknoir, because I can move half of the damage needed to my oponent's active pokemon and then finish it with wobbuffet attack, which deals 10 + the amount of damage counters on my oponents pokemon xD, and with dimension valley, I can do this amount of damage with just one psy energy.
so what you guys think? any suggestion on how can I improove it? btw this is my first competitive deck xD
4-4 Gourgeist (XY)
2-1-2 Dusknoir - Sinister Hand
2 Wobbuffet (Phantom Force)
2 Zekrom - Outrage
2 Sigilyph LTR
1 Mewtwo EX
3 N
2 Colress
3 Professor Juniper
1 Pokemon Fan Club
2 Lysandre
1 Skyla
2 VS Seeker
2 Ultra Ball
2 Evosoda
1 Rare Candy
3 Hypnotoxic Laser
1 Startling Megaphone
1 Sacred Ash / Lysandre's Trump Card ( I dont know exactly which one run xD)
1 Professor's Letter
3 Dimension Valley
4 Psychic Energy
4 Mystery Energy
4 Double Colorless Energy
the main strategy is using both gourgeist attacks, first one with only 1 energy I can spam 2 damage counters on every oponent's pokemons with a max of 120 damage that I can move with dusknoir ability sinister hand, the second attack puts damage counters on both gourgeist and my oponents active pokemon til they remain with 10 hp, which I can finish with hypnotoxic laser. Zekrom is there to face yveltals, since both dusknoir and gourgeist has weakness to dark pokemons, zekrom can one hit ko yveltals with outrage after it tooks 1 hit from baby yveltal + muscle band because outrage does 20+ amount of damage in itself, if baby yveltal attacks me with the first move will hit 30 + band 50 = 20+50 + 70(yveltal weakness) magical 140 damage with one double colorless. Wobbuffet is awsome too, specially in pair with dusknoir, because I can move half of the damage needed to my oponent's active pokemon and then finish it with wobbuffet attack, which deals 10 + the amount of damage counters on my oponents pokemon xD, and with dimension valley, I can do this amount of damage with just one psy energy.
so what you guys think? any suggestion on how can I improove it? btw this is my first competitive deck xD