• When creating a thread in the Deck Garage, make sure that you post one deck per thread, you use the correct prefix, you have the set name/card number next to each card, you give a strategy for non-metagame decks, and give translations for all cards not available in English.

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Suicune / Terrakion


Professor Scream
Synopsis of This Deck and The Player
Hello, Pokebeach community, first off let me tell you a tad about myself the poster today. My name is scREAM; also known as Lauchlan (my name), I’m 18 years old and an Australian Pokémon tcg/vga player. I started late last season with great success with deck variants of the infamous quad Sigilyph and Garbodor, the Garbodor which I placed within top 32 at our last year nationals. At that time in Australia both decks really saw hardly any play (There were only 3 Garbodor players out of 100+ at nationals), and I would like to think within the scene I had a hand in defining our meta-game with both rouge decks. Yet that is all speculation, as it is still a dream to help the Australian Pokémon community grow and flourish.

My problem these days is that I live in an unpopulated area because of that; I don’t have access to any local metagame now. You may be like; ‘oh you most likely play ptcgo’. And I do, however currently I have no internet at home and I am typing this through my local Tafe which won’t let me run ptcgo (trust me I tried). Because of these circumstances I was going to give the game that I fell in love with as a child and a young lad away, yet after talking to a few people, who you could call my team mates, I guess, they have convinced me to just keep going with it. I’m happy to say I’ve decided to continue with the game although now my meta-gaming comes from the internet and probing peoples social side to find about their local regions and running numbers on cards and probability. For example I have predicted with my Intel gathering that we will roughly around 64 masters at our first regional with the top 3 decks being Genesect EX/Virizon, Blastoise, and Plasma Basics. Darkrai will still be played and there will be roughly 2 people that will play DarkGarb as well as Hydragion/Darkrai, also there will be an odd number of people playing the new deck Australian’s are calling VictiniBox.

So now I would like you to introduce you to the deck I shall be playing this season for the majority of it anyway. The deck is known, possibly not well-known but there will be people who shall of it. The deck is by no mean secret and if it was I wouldn’t be sharing it. My problem is that since I have no meta-game I need others to figure out and tell me how it would fair in their local meta-game. With compiled results I shall be able to finish the deck.

Pokemon - 8
  • 4 Suicune Plasma Blast
  • 3 Terrakion Noble Victories
  • 1 Jirachi EX Plasma Blast

Supporters 13
  • 4 Professor Juniper
  • 4 N
  • 4 Skyla
  • 1 Bianca

Stadiums 4
  • 4 Tropical Beach

Trainers 22
  • 3 Pokemon Catcher
  • 4 Switch
  • 3 Silver Bangle
  • 3 Eviolite
  • 3 Ultra Ball
  • 2 Energy Search
  • 1 Super Rod
  • 2 Tool Scrapper
  • 1 Scoop Up Cyclone

Energy 13
  • 5 Water
  • 4 Fighting
  • 4 Double Colorless Energy

Strategy Based on my predictions of the Australian meta and the general deck lists people run, I will now explain the strategy of this deck. First let me tell you I did not originally come up with the idea, I’m not claiming as if I did. The list as far as I know was first thought up by one, Shintaro Ito, who had won the latest Japanese Battle Carnival (good on him!).

The Big Three Points
1.To win the game you will be KO-ing EX pokemon (generally) with either OHKOing (unlikely) EXs or 2HKing(likely).

2.The deck is made up of none-EX attackers besides the teched in Jirachi EX (which gets picked up by Scoop Up Cyclone anyway). Because of this you are effectively making your opponent earn all 6 prizes rather than knocking 3 EXs out like you will be doing most of the time. With the inclusion of Super rod (I wish we still had revive) you are effectively playing with a possible 6 Suicune.

3. The one problem these types of stall decks have (including, Quad Sigilyph) is that you are prone to decking out quite fast with you excessively use your supporters. Remember at times it is often best to just bluff you have nothing. With the new format under-the-way in our first regional event, time is now a crucial matter and while it may seem a bit of an asshole move to play a deck that can easily stall your opponent in game 2, you must use every advantage you can to win, trust me others will do the same, I’m not saying slow play but instead make wise choices that if you know you could lose game 2 but there’s only a few minutes left, stall the game out.

4. I know other people don’t have access to 4 tropical beaches however, I do. This deck can suffer to laserbank combo decks like Darkrai and plasma who could play shadow triad, thus playing the stadium war in this deck is crucial to winning games that are near impossible. If you have no access to any beaches I would recommend playing copies of Pokemon Center or possibly Sky Arrow Bridge. Although I would not recommend playing this deck with no beaches, the minimum I would say is 2, but have a go I loved to be proved wrong!

The Theory of Winning
To play this deck you really need to use your brain, I for one am still always play testing against myself and I will not 100% be able to be a master at this deck because of my predicament. However I will be playing this for the majority of the season so I will get there. The idea is to just chip away with Suicune with Aurora Beam which deals 70 damage for a single water and two colourless energy.

You have Terrakion for the Darkrai match ups and to revenge kill, and if you have played right you will never succumbed to dying from poison as you should have your stadiums in play at all times. With silver bangle, Suicune 2hits any EX in our current format doing a total of 100 damage per turn; to wrap this up quite soon I shall post a few little tips I have read/ theorised about on how to do even better damage.

1. If against Blastoise, you must always try and catcher their Squirtle and kill it over the EX, if they are playing Baby Black Kyurem or normal plasma Kyurem they are your second priory.

2. You always need to manage your bench space for two reasons, the first is Absol and mind jack, the second is Colress. Nothing is more detrimental to the stall if you give your opponent a chance to draw 8-10 cards and give him options.

3. Against Darkrai, you can use terrakion as a decoy. Do not be afraid to fall behind in prizes so you can N them to low hand counts.

4. Always kill sableeye over Absol who is than over Darkrai.

5. Be prepared to for a very tough game against Garbodor decks and if you are worried in your meta-game there are more Garbodor decks than a few drop the Jirachi EX and Aspec and add an extra tool scrapper than dowsing machine.

6. Darkrai/Hydragion is a very tough match up, try and just set up Terrakion to kill Hydragion or their Deinos.

7. If you are playing the Jiarchi EX variant, don’t worry about starting with it, there’s a 4% chance you will start lone Jirachi EX. It will happen once, maybe twice a tournament. A risk you take when playing this nifty little support Pokémon.

Now to wrap this up, please give your feedback, tell me what you’re thinking. I personally was thinking of dropping a beach and adding a frozen city, but I’m not really sure if it is worth it currently. Any other ideas or even concerns on how the deck runs please post below, all feedback is appreciated. I also apologize for the article-written length but I believe to best understand a deck you need this kind of length if not more.