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Standard SUM-on Straight Ultra Necrozma Malamar


Rayquaza Fan
So I was thinking about what I could build with my cards and Ultra Necrozma/Malamar turned out to be the best choice. I made this list very fast and did some quick playtesting to see if i liked the playstyle (I never play decks that are played in a way I don't like cause winning games is one think but having fun is imo also important). And it works actually good in 9/10 games I was able to do at least 210 damage turn 2. The only problems are:
- I have problems finding those Beast Rings when needed
- Judge does not only hurt my opponent but a new hand of 4 also hurts me and I often end up not playing Judge cause it would hurt me more than my opponent

4 Inkay
3 Malamar
3 Ultra Necrozma GX
2 Dawn Wings Necrozma GX
2 Tapu Lele GX
1 Lunala <>

4 Cynthia
3 Guzma
3 Lillie
1 Judge
1 Sophocles

4 Altar of the Moone

4 Ultra Ball
4 Mysterious Treasure
3 Beast Ring
3 Choice Band
1 Rescue Stretcher
1 Nest Ball

1 Beast Energy <>
3 Metal Energy
9 Psychic Energy

Changes done:
- 1 Judge, Nest Ball, Rescue Stretcher
+ 1 Lillie, Beast Ring, Choice Band

What do you think? Should I do some changes? Thanks for your advice
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Hi FlashRayquaza,

Consider these modifications:


- 1 Ultra Necrozma GX (wanted to include one Necrozma GX to make the deck more versatile)
- 1 Tapu Lele GX (one turned out to be sufficient for me. Interstingly the second place worlds deck only inluded one too.)

+ 1 Necrozma GX (alternate attacker and alternate GX attack)
+ 1 Tapu Lele SM-P (combos well with Necrozma GX and Ultra Necrozma GX)


- 1 Judge (for the reason you outlined above)
+ 1 Lillie (turn one Lillie is great in this deck and it is also usefull afterwards)


- 1 Rescue Stretcher (one should be sufficient)
- 1 Nest Ball (none Pokémon search items should suffice)

+ 1 Beast Ring (three increase the likelihood to draw it in time)
+ 1 Choice Band (Ultra Necrozma GX seems to need it to hit numbers)

The rest looks real nice to me. Personally I would like to replace one Inkay for a tech Mimikyu but this is a personal preference. Hope this provides some initial assistance.
Hi FlashRayquaza,

Consider these modifications:


- 1 Ultra Necrozma GX (wanted to include one Necrozma GX to make the deck more versatile)
- 1 Tapu Lele GX (one turned out to be sufficient for me. Interstingly the second place worlds deck only inluded one too.)

+ 1 Necrozma GX (alternate attacker and alternate GX attack)
+ 1 Tapu Lele SM-P (combos well with Necrozma GX and Ultra Necrozma GX)


- 1 Judge (for the reason you outlined above)
+ 1 Lillie (turn one Lillie is great in this deck and it is also usefull afterwards)


- 1 Rescue Stretcher (one should be sufficient)
- 1 Nest Ball (none Pokémon search items should suffice)

+ 1 Beast Ring (three increase the likelihood to draw it in time)
+ 1 Choice Band (Ultra Necrozma GX seems to need it to hit numbers)

The rest looks real nice to me. Personally I would like to replace one Inkay for a tech Mimikyu but this is a personal preference. Hope this provides some initial assistance.

Thank you very much for your advice!
The idea with Necrozma/Baby Lele is great but in my playtesting I found out that 3 U-Necrozma are necessary (especially with only one Stretcher) and the second Lele was also a great help to find that game winning Guzma when the other one is prized/in discard. I'll try and find a way how to include that Necrozma and Baby Lele (I think Necrozma will help a lot with some matchups and Baby Lele is a good way to kill Hoopa).

I did the following changes:
- 1 Judge, Nest Ball, Rescue Stretcher
+ 1 Lillie, Beast Ring, Choice Band