I expect Alolan Raticate(or AR, for short) to ensure the format getting faster than it was last gen, w/ Wally or two Alolan Rattata on bench and some Level/Nest Balls helping to get two Cosmogs and one dratini, and w/ one DCE, can get out another Wally/Rare Candy(or even a VS Seeker), a Cosmoem/Solgaleo/Lunala, and a Dragonair, assuming no Timer Balls are used and/or result in two tails flips if one timer is used, combined w/ its evolution's attack, Dragonair's Dragon Prayer, to ensure two psychic or steel energies can be attached the turn after the prayer WITH the one-per-turn limit DISABLED for the prayer-user's turn until he/she ends his/her turn, at which point the prayer's effect ends. And yet, even if AR and/or Dragonair is KO'd doing their roles, all it takes is one turn of attachments, which could involve a little bit of draw power(Shaymin, Octillery, etc.) to get the energies you need to power up your Solgaleo/Lunala GX enough to mount a threat, though Lunala needs 5 psychics to use it's non-GX attack, which looks like a tall task, but w/ Dragon Prayer, that likely will mean enough to use Lunar Fall GX, which needs 2 psychics, plus 1 of any energy, although Sunstrike Steel(Solgaleo) is a much more likely scenario than Phantom Ray(Lunala), given it needs 2 metal energies, plus 1 of any energy.
Yet, AR can also work w/ FofGP, w/ nest balls to get out one Snorlax-GX, one Dratini and one Drowzee, and w/ one DCE, search for a Brigette(for two Rowlet on T2 going second), and two Timer Balls, then assuming luck is on your side on T2 going second, and you get three heads out of four on timers, you can search for Dragonair first, then on the second and third heads, you can search for two Decidueye-GX on T1 going second or T2 going second(depending on when AR evolves from Alolan Rattata), while AR should be either on its last legs or KO'd afterward... If it's on its last legs, you could use its first attack to search for three Dartrix, one Rowlet, and one DCE, and let it get KO'd to make room for the third Rowlet. But regardless, it's a matter of level balls/AR to get out three Dartrix(something that you could also search for on T2 going second or even if AR is not KO'd by the end of T2 going second, dragon prayer, getting snorlax-GX charged up, then the decidueye's abilities plus pulverizing pancake GX to deal a KO, while after, setting up the third decidueye-GX, evolving hypno, goodnight babies, and snorlax's 180 damage attack that can only be used while it's Asleep, will all combine to give you the game, something that takes an average of 7 turns or so(per player, or 14 turns total), assuming no dead draws on one side, for a game to do all that in your favor...
^ Of course, it could be derailed by N, while Dragon Prayer could be derailed by Ranger, and there may be other examples that could derail AR, but all in all, still something to watch out for in any event post-S&M release...