Sunday, 3/9, Complete DP5 Theme Deck Translations

To me, there aren't that many stand out cards in the theme decks. Bubble Coat is quite nice, a one time effect of stopping weakness is certainly something to think about, though Blastoise {d} (CG) is the (better) alternative in decks that run Rare Candy. Buck's Training is still quite nice, even if it only adds 10 damage. Quite nice late on. Gliscor Lv.X is still nice. Lucario is probably the best card in the theme decks to me. Focus Blast is a nice sniping attack, and Spike Lariat is a nice finishing attack. This would probably work quite well with the DP Lucario.
Oh, and your right, that Misdreavus is dreadful.
I agree with Jiggly13. There aren't many outstanding cards in those decks except for some like Lucario. Buck's Training is definitely good & Bubble Coat is just like Weakness Guard from Skyridge except Bubble Coat is a Pokemon Tool...
nice. i was hoping they'd come soon because i pre ordered them from japan last week. WPM: You spelled Temple of Anger as Temple of Angery.
Well, Buck's Training isn't as broken as many people thought, but I can still say it's a very good card, especially after seeing that Misdreavus. 0_o Bubble Coat can get you out of sticky weakness situations, but there really isn't anything I would shoot for if I wanted a good deck. Maybe Heatran for the artwork. :]

dmaster out.
I am credible using Mewtwo LV.X and Energy Patch.

Because my country used Japanese Regulation, those make head against BlastoireEX Deck or Absol and Gallade Deck.