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Standard Super-Charged Mega Venusaur for Standard!


I hate Greninja
****** Pokémon Trading Card Game Deck List ******

##Pokémon - 15

* 3 Bulbasaur SLG 1
* 1 Ivysaur SLG 2
* 2 Venusaur SLG 3
* 3 Venusaur-EX XY 141
* 3 M Venusaur-EX EVO 100
* 3 Tapu Lele-GX GRI 60

##Trainer Cards - 35

* 4 Professor Sycamore STS 114
* 1 Rescue Stretcher GRI 130
* 2 Skyla BKP 122
* 2 Acerola BUS 112
* 4 Ultra Ball FLF 99
* 1 Super Rod BKT 149
* 3 Field Blower GRI 125
* 4 N NVI 92
* 3 Float Stone PLF 99
* 3 Guzma BUS 143
* 4 Venusaur Spirit Link EVO 89
* 4 Rare Candy DEX 100

##Energy - 10

* 10 Grass Energy 1

Total Cards - 60

****** Deck List Generated by the Pokémon TCG Online www.pokemon.com/TCGO ******

The premise of this deck is not unlike Tapu Bulu/Vikavolt except with a few extra steps.
You should bring out at least 1 Bulbasaur and 1 Venusaur-EX on your first turn, attaching an energy to the Venusaur-EX. On the 2nd turn, try to rare candy into a Jungle Totem Venusaur, and then Spirit Link evolve into Mega Venusaur-EX, attaching a 2nd energy. Once you have both Venusaurs set up with 2 energy on your Mega, you're ready to start swinging for 120 a turn with instant paralysis and poison. In the time you're stalling, you're free to take a few turns setting up another Mega Venusaur.

In a pinch? Use Field Blower to remove your own Spirit Link and attach a Float Stone to retreat into another Mega Venusaur. If you can't pull out a Mega on your 2nd turn, don't worry, if you have Jungle Totem active, you can still swing for 90 while healing 30 damage. Acerola is another option to move your Venusaurs out of the active, allowing you to set it down immediately and begin charging it up again for next turn.

Cards I'm considering adding would be 1 or 2 Shaymin from Shining Legends, along with a possible Pokemon Center Lady tech for the mirror (which I have surprisingly already played!)
i've actually thrown the idea of this deck around and playtested it!! it's definitely an ok deck.

there are just a few problems with it: it runs too slow, and guzma is a very popular switching card to get out of paralysis/poison.

i'd perhaps remove a field blower and replace it with either a venusaur or a revitalizer/super rod.
i'd perhaps remove a field blower and replace it with either a venusaur or a revitalizer/super rod.

I think having 3 field blower is an essential part of the deck. Garbotoxin is everywhere, and with that turned on, you're not going to be able to attack with M Venusaur unless you throw on an extra 2 energies. The utility of removing your own Spirit Link to attach another tool could also be game-changing.
You could also try running Pokemon Fan Club and Hoopa EX. This way you can Fan Club for a Bulbasaur and a Hoopa to get yourself 2 Venusaur EXs and a Mega to hold. Seems like a fast way of setting up your board and thinning out your deck which should also help you hit your Rare Candies/Spirit Links.
You could also try running Pokemon Fan Club and Hoopa EX. This way you can Fan Club for a Bulbasaur and a Hoopa to get yourself 2 Venusaur EXs and a Mega to hold. Seems like a fast way of setting up your board and thinning out your deck which should also help you hit your Rare Candies/Spirit Links.
That's a nice way to fill the bench
Lele for Fan Club - 1
Fan Club for Hoopa and Bulba - 2
Hoopa for 2 Venusaur and a Mega - 2
Still leaves me with 1 more bench spot for another Lele later on, hmm.

I'd probably want to toss the 3rd Lele for 1 Hoopa, and what should I remove to make room for the 1 Fan Club?
Yup exactly. Well I would remove either the 4th Rare Candy or one of the 2-of Supporters.

Actually, I'm not sure how great Acerola really is in this list. I feel like its mostly being used as an alternative switching card and you couldn't really use it on Venusaur SLG . In that case I would remove both for the aforementioned Fan Club and a 4th Guzma. You could also drop a Candy anyways to keep an Acerola for utility since 4Candy/2Skyla seems kinda excessive for a deck that really only needs one Venusaur SLG.

Guzma seems really strong with the guaranteed paralysis. You'd be forcing your Opponent to burn thru Acerola/Guzma on turns they might have needed to dig for something instead or N you down in the late game.
Mewtwo gx does 30 times amount of energy's on pokemon grass coubts as 60 with ven from sl. Throw in shining genesect some max elixiers n u golden
Don't mess w/ Mewtwo. I really like the list that you have presented so far, this is a deck combo that has been on my mind ever since I first cast eyes upon that Venusaur, and I think maybe your deck should be slightly more focused on the Venusaur SLG setup. Otherwise good deck!!! :)
To easy to remove paralize evo there sbiltys to switch there guzmas n so on .
Then maybe make it a M Venusaur/ Trevenant deck. That will work high amounts of damage when your opponent has all those trainer cards to dodge M Venusaur's paralyze, and it will punish your opponent if he/she doesn't have em'.
I like this deck and definitely wanna play around with it once I get the cards. M Venusaur can 2HKO anything in the format and has a good chance to do so with the guaranteed paralysis. Only a few decks run dedicated switching cards and if your opponent has to burn a Guzma to forcibly switch, I'd take that as a good thing. It wastes of their supporter for the turn and pushes your M Venusaur out of the line of fire. This deck isn't going to fair well against the ever so popular fire decks, but that's inevitable with nearly all grass decks right now. You could potentially play a Tapu Bulu GX or two for its lack of weakness, but I'm not sure if the synergy is there.