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Super Lugia (Lugia EX / Deoxys EX / Thunderus EX / Kyurem)


I am Neos. Who are you?

  • 4 Deoxys EX
    3 Thundurus EX
    2 Lugia EX
    2 Kyurem EX
    1 Absol
    1 Keldeo EX
    1 Latias EX

  • 4 Professor Sycamore
    3 Colress
    2 Skyla
    2 N
    2 Shadow Triad
    1 Lysandre
    4 Muscle Band
    3 Plasma Ball
    3 Switch
    3 Colress Machine
    2 Ultra Ball
    2 Frozen City
    3 Hypnotoxic Laser
    1 Virbank

  • 4 Double Colorless Energy
    4 Plasma Energy
    4 Rainbow Energy

The strategy of this deck is to get Lugia EX with the energy he needs to do his attack for 120 for 4 colorless energy. You need a plasma energy to discard for the move to do anything. Now what is awesome about Lugia is if he knocks out a pokemon, you take an extra prize. 2 for normal pokemon, 3 or EX, or Mega EX. So to power this Lugia EX, you need 4 Deoxys EX on the bench because Deoxys' ability boosts all your Team Plasma attacks by 10. Except that Deoxys. So have 4 on the bench, extra 40 damage! So Lugia does 160 damage. That doesn't OHKO everything though. That's why we run muscle band for extra 20 damage.That's 180 damage and that OHKO's everything except Mega EXs. So you take 3 prize cards for EXs and 2 cards for normal pokemon. If your opponent runs a lot of EX's, thats a 2 turn win, or a 3 turn win for normal pokemon. There's really no room for hypnotoxic laser and verbank city. So any feedback would be appreciated :)
RE: Super Lugia- Lugia EX / Deoxys EX / Thunderus EX / Kyurem

I believe Prism energy will be rotated out; so, you'll need to consider a replacement.

Why no Shadow Triad?
RE: Super Lugia- Lugia EX / Deoxys EX / Thunderus EX / Kyurem

TuxedoBlack said:
I believe Prism energy will be rotated out; so, you'll need to consider a replacement.

Why no Shadow Triad?
I really don't know what to cut for Shadow Triad.
RE: Super Lugia- Lugia EX / Deoxys EX / Thunderus EX / Kyurem

Neos said:
TuxedoBlack said:
I believe Prism energy will be rotated out; so, you'll need to consider a replacement.

Why no Shadow Triad?
I really don't know what to cut for Shadow Triad.

I'd suggest replacing the Roller Skates (50% chance of getting heads) with Shadow Triads.