Hello there,
I wanted to share this new deck I created. Basically, the idea is to use Inteleon SWSH as a attacker, using Counter Gain to make it do 120 for [W]+20 bench snipe. I put Obstagoon in there for basic matchups and damage buffs, and then there are some nice rainbow attackers that work well with Counter Gain.
4 Sobble (the 70HP one) (evolve)
3 Drizzile (the ability one) (evolve/consistency ability)
4 Inteleon (attacker/consistency ability)
3 Galarian Zigzagoon (evolve/damage buff)
2 Galarian Linoone (evolve)
2 Galarian Obstagoon (backup attacker/wall/damage buff)
1 Buzzwole FLI (rainbow attacker/tech for Sableye V, Snorlax VMAX and Pikarom)
1 Mew UNB (tech for Cramorant/Pikarom)
1 Blacephalon COE (rainbow attacker/snipe cleanup)
1 Mimikyu GRI (rainbow attacker/tech for MewMew)
1 Oranguru SS (consistency ability)
4 Lillie (draw)
2Marnie (draw/disruption)
2 Professor's Research (draw)
1 Rosa (consistency after KO, which is pretty common in this deck as you expect to get KOd every turn)
1 Tate and Liza (draw/switch)
4 Quick Ball (basic search)
4 Evolution Incense (evolution search)
3 Rare Candy (evolve)
3 Counter Gain (enable attackers to hit for 1 energy)
1 Lucky Egg (draw after KO)
1 Ordinary Rod (recovery)
1 Switch (switch)
1 Reset Stamp (disruption)
1 Great Catcher (gust effect)
4 Rainbow Energy
4 Aurora Energy
I need help updating this deck and trying to make it competitively viable as it seems like such a cool concept. I am considering ADP, Sableye V, Mew UNB, more Catchers, a couple of Professor's Researches, and other things.
I wanted to share this new deck I created. Basically, the idea is to use Inteleon SWSH as a attacker, using Counter Gain to make it do 120 for [W]+20 bench snipe. I put Obstagoon in there for basic matchups and damage buffs, and then there are some nice rainbow attackers that work well with Counter Gain.
4 Sobble (the 70HP one) (evolve)
3 Drizzile (the ability one) (evolve/consistency ability)
4 Inteleon (attacker/consistency ability)
3 Galarian Zigzagoon (evolve/damage buff)
2 Galarian Linoone (evolve)
2 Galarian Obstagoon (backup attacker/wall/damage buff)
1 Buzzwole FLI (rainbow attacker/tech for Sableye V, Snorlax VMAX and Pikarom)
1 Mew UNB (tech for Cramorant/Pikarom)
1 Blacephalon COE (rainbow attacker/snipe cleanup)
1 Mimikyu GRI (rainbow attacker/tech for MewMew)
1 Oranguru SS (consistency ability)
4 Lillie (draw)
2Marnie (draw/disruption)
2 Professor's Research (draw)
1 Rosa (consistency after KO, which is pretty common in this deck as you expect to get KOd every turn)
1 Tate and Liza (draw/switch)
4 Quick Ball (basic search)
4 Evolution Incense (evolution search)
3 Rare Candy (evolve)
3 Counter Gain (enable attackers to hit for 1 energy)
1 Lucky Egg (draw after KO)
1 Ordinary Rod (recovery)
1 Switch (switch)
1 Reset Stamp (disruption)
1 Great Catcher (gust effect)
4 Rainbow Energy
4 Aurora Energy
I need help updating this deck and trying to make it competitively viable as it seems like such a cool concept. I am considering ADP, Sableye V, Mew UNB, more Catchers, a couple of Professor's Researches, and other things.
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