RSE/FRLG Synchronize Soft Resetting for Registeel in Sapphire


Steelix Bait
I apologize for the long title, but I wanted to cover all the bases of my question.

I'm trying to get a Bold Registeel in Sapphire Version. I have an Abra with a Bold Nature and Synchronize ability. This will raise my chances of having Registeel be Bold natured if Abra is in the first slot of my party, right?
Yes, it will raise your chances from 1 out of 25 to 1/2 to get a Bold Registeel.
Are you positive it works in Sapphire? I've been trying for around half an hour now and have gone through 12 some Registeel. I've only found one Bold one...
Yeah, I'm sure. Another advantage of using a Synchronize pokemon is that there is a 50% chance to get the same IV spread too, so get an Abra with 31/31/31/31/31/31 and you're set!
Another 10 tries and still no Bold nature...
Although thank you for mentioning the IVs. Now I know why Registeel keeps getting crappy HP IVs.

Well, after two more hours of soft resetting, either something is wrong with my game or this is impossible.

I'm using a level 5 Bold Abra as my lead Pokemon, throwing a Master Ball the second I go into battle, and Registeel is never Bold.
This is in Pokemon Sapphire Version.
Well that was a total nightmare... 4 hours and countless SRs, I found my second Bold Registeel. It has 30 IVs in HP but only 6 in DEF and SP. DEF. However, I'm so sick of SRing that I'll take it. It's still a strong Pokemon.
Um, guys, the effect of Synchronize changing the nature of the wild Pokemon to 50% chance is only in Emerald and later. This applies to virtually every ability that has a field effect (hence why I found out why Camerupt doesn't do anything for me in LG for egg-hatching).
If it's Sapphire you must lucksack.
If I'd seen this topic earlier, trust me, I would have interrupted a while ago >.<
Thanks DNA for clarifying... I was thinking that the whole time. Nevertheless, I did need Registeel from Sapphire, so I'm glad it worked out.
^We all wish it did, but I can say from personal experience that it doesn't ;)