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T-Tar Deck


This is my first deck I've ever made. And help is helpful. =D

3 Tyranitar
3 Pupitar
2 Larvitar
2 Drapion
2 Drapion Lv. X
1 Larvitar
3 Houndoom
3 Houndour
3 Skorupi

2 Poke Radar
1 Luxury Ball
2 Rare Candy
3 Bebe's Search
1 Volkner's Philosiphy
1 Palmer's Contribution
1 Proffesor Elm's Training Method
1 Engineer's Adjustments
2 Interviewer's Questions

4 Warp Energy
4 Darkness Energy
4 Double Colorless Energy
12 Darkness Energy
I'm not quite sure what you are trying to do with this deck, but it seems that you've been window shopping (looking at all of the wonderful things different Pokemon cards can do and trying to throw them all in the basket -the deck-). May I suggest a couple of thing:
Take out everything that doesn't have anything to do with Tyranitar
Add in a starter such as spiritomb (AR), Sableye (SF), or Smeargle (UD)
Add in some hand refresh cards
Add stuff like Uxie (LA), Unown Q (MD), and Azelf (LA)

If you can't do that stuff then try your best to focus only on T-Tar.
I feel I have to many energies.

I've been using this on RedShark.

And what are the cards that don't have to do with Tyranitar?
Why is drapion in there. Also, you do not need that many energies. First you dont need 4 dc maybe 3 but 4 is pushing it. Same with warp and special dark.
It's not bad for a first deck, but you've made the most common beginners mistake - tried to mesh different powerful pokemon into 1 deck and also playing too many energy. Here's a little skeleton list you can use as a guideline

3-2-3 T-tar prime
4 Sableye SF
2 Uxie LA
1 Unown Q MD

3 Pokemon Collector
4 Bebe's Search
4 Rare Candy
1 Palmer's Contribution

4 {D} Special
3 {D} Basic

Now of course this isn't the full deck list because you need to do some work. These are just the cards you should be playing. Sableye however can be switched to Spiritomb AR if you wanted to do so. Here's a few techs you can run: Nidoqueen RR - Healing tech, Umbreon UD - helps wall specific cards to stall.
I agree with Empoleon! This is very nice for a first time deck, but is just a first time deck. Follow the skeleton and go from that and you should be fine.
for a first timer yeah going straight t-tar or drop t-tar all together and start over, thats my best to suggestion's. As well next time please put the set name beside each card so we know what set they come from, you could be running prime for all I know.
I would take out the houndooms n stick with the drapion line. Tri-poison is an awesome pkepwr to utilize while its on ur bench n may force ur opponent to retreat, spending its retreat costs n setting them back... not to mention doing clean up for Tyranitar adding extra damage at 30hp between turns. I would also add darkrai lv x. to help with extra damage since ur running dark Pokémon. That would bump up drapion lv. X's attack to 80 to active and 40 to bench with sniping tail.
I would add in lunatone solrock comb to stop people from healing. And the idea behind nidoqueen Is a good idea or you just could use bench sheild. And as far as a starter goes I would use spritomb. Reason why stage 2 are naturally slower than stage one. And with spritomb you kinda slow down you opponent too also he give a way to get tyrantar out faster. And BTS Broken Time Space. Hope I helped.