Is it just me or is tangrowth really broken. I just made a proto-type deck with sceptile in it and I havent lost yet. even to magmortor decks. just asken. oh and I Know is first attack cant be doubled
You haven't lost yet maybe due that all you're playing with don't know how to use their decks. Tangrowth works slow, too slow. And even with sceptile, sceppy's pokepower only works on stick and absorb. So no great sniping here.
Um you realize that tangrows attack says it does 10 damage for each basic energy card so secptile doesn't really work. It might get errated and if it does then it will be good.
first of all two of the decks i played were blazikan and magmortar decks that worked well but added with leftovers tangroth is the best tank I have ever used. And I realized that the first attack cant be doubled as said in my first post. Plus I get tangroth on the feild with two energies and scep on the bench by turn 2 or 3. Oh and not to be rude but thanks for the support really.