I’m really not sure about this. Pokémon cards have been becoming steadily more powerful, but this seems like too much. I love this card, it’s a cool mechanic, but if this is super rare, which I’m sure it will be, it will be too expensive for casual players to afford, and 150 damage with NO DRAWBACK and adding three energy to any Pokémon, that’s almost unbeatable for a casual player, even if you do get 3 prizes. As someone who has played for a while, and loves the game, I’m kind of not happy with this new kind of “new tier card” that one shots half the available cards, especially as a basic. On the plus side, THIS THING IS AWESOME! The art is good, the attack affects are exploitable, and the idea of a kind of legend card is cool. As you can probably tell, I really can’t make up my mind about this.