Ruling Take Out vs. Basic w/ Unown G


Ewe's not Faat, Ewe's Flaafy
I was judging a Cities yesterday and given the popularity of Machamp and the equally popular Unown G as a counter, there were cases where Take-Out was declared as the attack and then the debate set in over whether the 40 damage occurs.

According to the card its pretty clear the KO effect is "instead" of damage so since the KO is an effect on the defending Pokemon, there is no damage and no effect.

I went to the Gym to verify that my ruling was correct, and noticed that there is no answer yet posted to this exact question. Is there really a mistranslation on this card? Any help here much appreciated.
Nothing would happen......The effect takes the place of damage and unown G prevents the effect..
The attack checks to see if the Defending is a Basic Pokemon before anything else happens. If it is a Basic, then it auto KOs. Because the 'Basic check' happens before damage, no damage is dealt, and no effect occurs.
Kronar said:
The attack checks to see if the Defending is a Basic Pokemon before anything else happens. If it is a Basic, then it auto KOs. Because the 'Basic check' happens before damage, no damage is dealt, and no effect occurs.

My question is actually if anyone has insight as to why this question when asked on the Gym has not been answered, as usually this is the case when a mistranslation is suspected.
poleskitty said:
Kronar said:
The attack checks to see if the Defending is a Basic Pokemon before anything else happens. If it is a Basic, then it auto KOs. Because the 'Basic check' happens before damage, no damage is dealt, and no effect occurs.

My question is actually if anyone has insight as to why this question when asked on the Gym has not been answered, as usually this is the case when a mistranslation is suspected.

Well perhaps specifying that would have been a good idea, I see that you asked, but maybe if you made it more clear. ;D

On another note:
The Compendium said:
Take Out
Q. If I have an unevolved Active Pokemon with Unown-G attached to it, and my opponent uses Machamp's "Take Out" attack, would it do nothing at all, or would it do 40 Damage?
A. It would do nothing. Since it is an unevolved Pokemon, the Knock Out effect replaces the 40 damage and that effect is blocked. (Nov 6, 2008 PUI Rules Team)
There's your answer, it has been answered at one point. I see no reason for there to have been a mistranslation when there is a Compendium ruling on it.