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Expanded Talonflame / Metagross-GX - A Twist on Metagross


Aspiring Trainer
I noticed most Metagross lists play Alolan Vulpix, but I thought it would be better with Talonflame for multiple reasons. One reason would be obviously getting any cards I want from my deck and reason number two would be to soften up your opponent's pokemon and get the OHKO with Metagross-GX

Pokemon (17)
x4 Talonflame
x4 Beldum
x3 Metang
x4 Metagross-GX
x2 Tapu Lele-GX

Trainers (34)
x4 Ultra Ball
x4 VS Seeker
x4 Choice Band
x3 Rare Candy
x3 Max Potion
x2 Field Blower
x1 Rescue Stretcher
x4 Professor Sycanore
x3 N
x2 Lysandre
x1 Karen
x1 Brigette
x1 Hex Maniac
x1 Professor Kukui

Energy (9)
x8 Metal Energy
x1 Psychic Energy
The problem is...if you whiff on the flame start (a majority of the time) then you have no way to get out Grosses
I very much dislike Talonflame. The more basics you put in your deck, the less chance you have to start Talonflame. If you don't, not only is your early game setup shot, as jess said, but you now have four completely dead, unusable cards in your deck (as opposed to three completely dead, unusable cards if you actually do start Talonflame).

Alolan Vulpix can not only do what Talonflame does for one less Energy, but if your opponent doesn't kill it, you can attach, retreat, and Geotech it back later.

I get wanting to take OHKOs, but Metagross isn't a OHKO deck. You have Choice Band to swing 180; that's enough. Metagross's strength is its titanic HP and synergy with Max Potion once you start swarming Metagross. Attack, take their hit, retreat, heal, and take the 2HKO.

Kukui will allow you to OHKO Espeon-GX, and that's really the only relevant thing you wanna stretch for.