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Tangrowth (anything)

Captain Oats

I'm worse than you at TCG.
Trying to keep this RR on.

Pokemon: 21
4-3-1 Tangrowth lvX (2 CoL, 1 AR Tangrowths with CoL Tangelas)
1-1-1 Meganium Prime
2-2 Sunflora HGSS
1-1 Vespiquen UD
1-1 Metapod HGSS
1-1 Blissey Prime
T/S/St: 22
2x IQ
2x Collector
2x Seeker
1x Twins
1x Cyrus's Initiative
1x Palmer's Contribution
3x Communication
2x Switch
2x Expert Belt
1x Rare Candy
Energy: 17
14x Grass
3x DCE

Start with Tangela, Nutritional Support T1 for a 2nd grass energy, then DCE active Tangrowth T2 for 80dmg or 100dmg with e-belt, building from there. Meganium/Blissey for healing with seekers to reuse Blissey or emergency heal a tangrowth, Vespiquen to stop sniping/spreading, Metapod for the fire matchup and Palmer's to reuse Tangrowth lvX if it goes down. It is a little slow against some decks, and can draw somewhat inconsistently, but it is showing some promise despite the multiple clunky lines.
Since you don't use Uxie, you'll need some form of drawpower. I suggest Professor Oak's Visit. Maybe drop Cyrus's Initiative(don't understand), a Pokemon Communication, and a PONT for it. Also, Warp Point beats Switch for the most part.
i think u can use Azelf, because u have a lot of 1-1 line. u may also use shaymin lv.x, it can+ 40 hp to each of your leaf pm, like meganium 150+40+20(expelt belt)=210hp, i think u may also need a starter,like jirachi(if u have lots of supporter) or sableye
Captoats said:
Trying to keep this RR on

Unless he makes an exception, he won't use Azelf. There are cards that can be dropped(eg. One PONT and one Communication) to beef up the lines. Problem solved. Also, Shaymin X is a nice idea, but honestly makes the deck slower(though it gives Metapod 120 and Sunfloras 120).
I'm on spring break right now, so all my friends I would play with to test these changes are gone and I won't be able to give any feedback, but thanks for the suggestions. I don't want to use azelf or shaymin X, as both are pre-RR.

I like switch over warp point, most of the decks in my area are stage 2, and the free retreat helps them too much. As for POV, it actually sounds decent, and I normally hate taht card.

any other suggestions?
Bebes Search is still RR on so you may want to use a few of those in here. IMO Blissey Prime is not a good replacement for Shaymin (Ground Forme X), but as you said you want to go RR on.