The thing that i like about this deck is that this hase a lot of differnt supporter cards in it and it hase the card vs seeker so when i use vs seeker you can choose from a large varitey of supporter cards in my discard pile and i also can use junk arm to vs seeker back. I can get my tangrowth x up 190 hp in this deck and i can make my tangrowth do a insaine amount damage.
One of the stratgies i thought for this deck is truly classic stratgie that can really hurt your oppoents game'you get your shaymin x fully powered up with energy cards use the card switch to bring back tangrowth to the bench then bring up shaymin x then use the supporter card seeker to bring tangrowth back in to your hand completley healing tangrowth of damage' then use shaymin x attack seed flare attaching all the energy cards to tangla or tangrowth' you would have a lot of energy cards in your hand because you got tangrowth back in to your hand.
This deck won all three matches on pre states warm up. Beating a lux chomp deck a gyarados deck and a magnazone machamp deck.
Here my deck list
pokemon 16
4 -3 - 1 tangla Cl tangrowth Cl tangrowth x
2-1-1 shaymin floser aroma Pl shaymin x land fourm sky forum x
1 uxie La
1 azelf La
1-1 sunflora Hgss
Trainers and supporters 30
3 p o n t
2 premier ball
2 junk arm
1 moo moo milk
2 vs seeker
2 seeker
1 luxury ball
1 professor oak's visit
2 expert belt
3 switch
3 bebe's serch
1 engineers adjustment
3 pokemon collector
2 pokemon communcation
1 palmers contribution
1 volkners philosophy
energy's 14
11 grass energy
3 dce
One of the stratgies i thought for this deck is truly classic stratgie that can really hurt your oppoents game'you get your shaymin x fully powered up with energy cards use the card switch to bring back tangrowth to the bench then bring up shaymin x then use the supporter card seeker to bring tangrowth back in to your hand completley healing tangrowth of damage' then use shaymin x attack seed flare attaching all the energy cards to tangla or tangrowth' you would have a lot of energy cards in your hand because you got tangrowth back in to your hand.
This deck won all three matches on pre states warm up. Beating a lux chomp deck a gyarados deck and a magnazone machamp deck.
Here my deck list
pokemon 16
4 -3 - 1 tangla Cl tangrowth Cl tangrowth x
2-1-1 shaymin floser aroma Pl shaymin x land fourm sky forum x
1 uxie La
1 azelf La
1-1 sunflora Hgss
Trainers and supporters 30
3 p o n t
2 premier ball
2 junk arm
1 moo moo milk
2 vs seeker
2 seeker
1 luxury ball
1 professor oak's visit
2 expert belt
3 switch
3 bebe's serch
1 engineers adjustment
3 pokemon collector
2 pokemon communcation
1 palmers contribution
1 volkners philosophy
energy's 14
11 grass energy
3 dce