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Tangrowth (Masters, Cities)


Aspiring Trainer
Grass Deck based around tangrowth and shaymin "thankfullness".

21 Pokemon

3 - 3 -1 Tangrowth AR
4 - 2/2 Cherrim AR/UL
1/1 – 2 Shaymin PL38 / UL -126
2 Sabeleye SF

26 T/S/S

3 Bebes Search
4 Premier Ball
4 Switch
1 Level Max
3 Expert Belt
2 Interviewers Questions
1 Dawn Stadium
1 Luxury Ball
3 Professor Oaks Visit
2 Life Herb
2 Pokemon Collector
2 Seeker

10 {G}
3 {C}{C}

Strategy: Setup Shaymin and Tangrowth as soon as possible. Either charging the Tangrowth and switching out shaymin or interviewers and seed flare the tangrowth. Once you have both lv.xs out tangrowth will have 170 hp with expert belt tangrowth should be able to do 140 damage per turn with Swallow Up as well as having 190 hp. Then setup cherrim on bench use the cherrim and healing growth to make sure u have as much hp left as possible so that you can always get make damage on swallow up. If tangrowth is knocked put use premier ball to retrieve while tanking with shaymin then either use tangrowths energy retrieval or seed flare to charge it up quickly.

Metagame note: Vilegar is used in my area and will be a big threat to this deck, though luckly I dont think there is many fire decks around.

Also i dont have any azelf to put into the deck which is a big weakness to the deck if the lv.xs are prized.

Has been edited with changes
Just at quick glance you might want to consider installing a way to influence the speed of the game. More draw power, BTS, Uxie etc. ;)

If Vilegar is in your area (its everywhere) I would certainly consider taking out at least two Switch's and going with warp energy.

You have no collector's. Take out some Bebe's and Premiers to fit in 2-3 collectors. Nearly every deck in the format needs them.[/b]

Setting up your Shaymin is vital here. You need to have a way to do it thats easier than what you have planned. Use Smeargle or Jirachi as a starter, and put 1 Unown Q in your deck.

I personally try not to tell people exactly what to take out and put in but just to give them ideas on cards that will help. But Ill try to make a short list here.

-1 Bebe's
-3 Premier Ball's
-4 Switch
-1 Level Max
-1 Expert Belt
-2 Professor Oaks visit
-2 Life Herbs
-6 Grass Energy

Total -20 Cards

+ 2 Smeargle UD (or Jirachi? Get a starter in there!)
+ 1 Unown Q
+ 2 Uxie LA
+ 1 Shaymin UL

+ 3 Pokemon Collector
+ 2 Seeker
+ 2 BTS
+ 1 Twins

+ 3 Double Colorless Energy (possibly only 3 if you have a Call Energy laying around)
+ 3 Warp Energy

This is just a rough draft of some changes you should try out. You can tune the deck beyond that point. Here is an example of how Some of the changes could help you set up.

Turn 1 (you go second)

You start with Smeargle and Tangela (Put Smeargle active of course)

Portrait a collector or Bebe's or Cyrus whatever they have. If Collector, Get a Unown Q, Shaymin and Uxie. Use your own supporter to get Shaymin X, Tangrowth, or start your cherrim line or a second tangrowth. Drop a Energy on Tangela.

Turn 2 Drop Tangrowth, an energy on him and Portrait another supporter. Use your own to fill in a blank and if you are low on cards, drop Uxie. If you are able to get a premier ball save it, or bebe's save it. Next turn, hopefully your opponent kills you Smeargle! If they do

Turn 3 move Shaymin up to your active pokemon. Premier ball, Shaymin Lv X. Attach Unown Q and free retreat him for Tangrowth. Drop Twins or Bebe's and get Tangrowth lvl X if you want. Play a double colorless energy on Tangrowth and begin to own.

Use Seekers only to pull off Uxie's if you need draws. Build up another Tangrowth quickly and keep a Shaymin in your hand for when you need to retreat your active one for healing. Use warp energy to retreat, drop shaymins to move the energy. Seeker off Low HP Tangrowth's or to move Tangrowth lv X to your active.

If you dont have the Uxie's or Azelf, trade for them. There should be someone at your league who is willing to trade some of the league promo Uxies they have. The Azelf, well, hopefully you have something nice to part with. Try the Forums here!

Im sure I missed a few things here. Hopefully this give you a place to start!
Okay yeah Pokemon Collector would definitely be worth it.

-6 Grass
-1 level Max
-1 Bebes Search
-1 Prof Oaks Visit

+2 Pokemon Collector
+2 Seeker
+2 Jirachi (Which is Better LA or RR)
+3 Double Colourless

Does anyone else have ideas?

Will edit top post to reflect changes