• When creating a thread in the Deck Garage, make sure that you post one deck per thread, you use the correct prefix, you have the set name/card number next to each card, you give a strategy for non-metagame decks, and give translations for all cards not available in English.

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Tangrowth masters city's


Aspiring Trainer
Pokemon 17

Four tangla sf
Two tangrowth ar
One tangrowth triumphant
One tangrowth x ar
Three shaymin flower aroma Pl
One shaymin x Pl
One catarpie Hgss
One metapod Hgss
One sunceren Hgss
One sunflora Hgss
One uxie La

Trainers supporters and stadiums 28

Two bench shield
One expert belt
One department store girl
One moomoo milk
Three switch
One luxury ball
Two primere ball
Four p o n t
Three bebe's serch
Two pokemon commuctation
Three pokemon collector
Two Engineers adjustment
One proffer oaks visit
One burned tower
One misma valley

Energy 15

Three dce
Twelve grass

I know what your going to say to many shaymin well shaymin is great to start with so i wouldnt like to take any out. This deck hase been doing very good i always get good start's with this deck. I have metapod in here because its pokebody stops weakness to grass pokemon. I might add butterfree i know its not that great but if they dont have fire pokemon metapod would be in there for nothing for that game. Well what do you think.

I just updated my deck a little bit i tock out misma valley and put in azelf La in.
This would look so much neater if you used the actual numbers instead of letters for the amount of cards you run...

So i guess you're going with the heal and Swallow tactic, eh? Metapod is kind of a meh tech because the only fire deck you're likely to see is Blaziken FB and it can just luring flame it active forcing you to either use a switch or waste and energy to retreat it. 3 Shaymin, even though its a bearable start it isn't the ideal start, plus the space could be used for better things.

-2 Shaymin
-1-1 Sunflora
-1 Pro Oak's Visit
-1 Burned Tower
-1 Miasma Valley
-1 Premier Ball

-2-2 Cherrim AR (All you grass pokemon take less damage)
+1 Bebe's Search
+1 Palmer's Contribution
+2 BTS
+1 Unown Q
+1 Chatot MD (It's always nice to have a basic with free retreat to send out after your mon is KO'd to see if what you top deck is useful plus the ability to chatter lock spiritomb can be usefull)

If anything i would also suggest you change your energy to 4 DCE and 9 grass, leaving you with 2 open spaces for another Uxie and another Moo Moo Milk
I use to have cherrim in here but it does so well that i dont need it. broken time space wouldnt help this deck out much it would help my oppoent more probally. You should of read down on the bottom its real good to start with shaymin so thats why i have so many of them. I have so much stuff to serch stuff in my deck why would i want to add another bebe's serch.

Unkown q could be good but its not that bad put a leaf energy in the discard pile because you can get it back with big growth. Take out sunflora dont you know what its poke power does' i can serch my deck for a grass pokemon and put it in my hand. And palmers contrubution usually just creats junk in my hand and i never really needed it. Well dce can kinda screw me up like if i get a tangrowth knocked out and it had dce on it i bring up another tangrowth use preimere ball and level it back up i could use big growth and serch my discard pile for leaf energy but since that dce is in there i attach two less energy with big growth.
Swap out the AR Tangrowth and put in SF Tangrowth. Snipes the bench at 2 pokes at 20 damage per use of Reaching Vine, and Green Acid can posion and Confuse. And Green Renewal Pokebody is much more usefull.
Well i dont like starting off with the sf tangrowth and you can one shout a lot of thing with the arceus tangrowth ecspeally when leveld up and shaymin x is on the bench and expert belt attached to tangrowth. I just never seemed to do real good with the sf tangrowth.