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Tangrowth Overkill (Masters,Any)


Aspiring Trainer

4-3-1 Tangrowth LV.X (2 tangrowth CL,1 Tangrowth SF)(4 Tangela CL)
3 Uxie(LA)
1 Azelf(LA)
1 Unown Q(MD)
2 Sableye(SF)
2-2-2 Victreebel TM


1 Palmer's Contribution
1 VS seeker
2 Junk Arm
2 Pokemon Communication
1 Super Scoop Up
2 Dawn Stadium
2 Expert belt
1 Premier Ball
1 Interviewer's Questions
1 Luxury Ball
2 Cyrus's Conspiracy
3 pokemon Collector
3 bebe's Search


10 {G}
2 rescue
3 {C}{C}

Strategy: Get Tangrowth Set up and use Grind on the CL one for massave damage Also use victreebel to stall and Sableye to set up. Did Really good in testing.s
Hmm, this is okay, but adjustments need to be made. DGX is a huge threat, so I reccomend mixing this with something as a good counter, maybe Leafeon X? But anyway, you'll need good deck searchers like Sunflora HS and Metapod HS to cover weakness. So the Pokemon line might look something like this:

4-3-1 Tangrowth X (I prefer SF Growth)
2-2 Sunflora HS
maybe 2-2-1 Leafeon X
2 Uxie LA
1-1 Metapod HS

You would be attaching a lot with Growth and then maybe hitting for decent damage with Leafeon. To discard, Junk Arm and Volkner's may be something you want.

Hope I helped.
I meant for Tangrowth SF, but its not a big deal. I suppose Power Sprays and Mesprit locks will be another problem you face. But against DGX, Victreebel is close to useless.
Yes, but anything that doesn't run Dialga G lvl X will have a lot of problems with it.
I would recommend setting up with Spiritomb, since you have a Stage 2 tech. It will be more consistent than Sableye.
Sunflora is NEEDED in this deck. IMO its better than Bebes, but its great to search out any techs you will need (still run Bebes regardless though). I'd also trimm down your Tangela to 3-3-1, if not for anything else, consistency. The same for your e-belts and DCE.

- Victreebel line
-1 Tangela
+ 2-2 Sunflora HGSS
+1 DCE
+1 Ebelt
i really dont like sunflora i tried it in a lot of grass decks before and it never really helped i wasted so much setting him up that i could have already set up what he searches for and the victreebel line is good for EVERYTHING except dialga g and if we are gonna base deck off what they lost against then SP's would be "dead" because of machamp.
of your using tangrowth COL may i suggest using a 2-2-2 meganium prime line instead of victreebel. This will let you transfer energy as you wish (perhaps to a new tangrowth which can then hit for loads). Definately include shaymin lv.x to make tangrowth 100% more tankable
Not really. Charizard and BFBX say bye-bye to Victreebel, and Sunflora is for quick recovery after you use something like Palmer's. And please use proper grammar and sentence structure. It's hard to read when you have everything bundled in one sentence.