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Tangrowth / Victini EX


Aspiring Trainer
Pokemon 19:

  • 3x Tangela (BCR)
    3x Tangrowth (BCR)
    3x Vctini EX
    2x Virizion EX
    2x Mr. Mime (PLF)
    2x Minum (FFI)
    2x Keldeo EX
    1x Flabebe (FLF)
    1x Floette (FLF)
Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums 31:

  • 4x N
    3x Professor Juniper
    3x Max Revive
    2x Energy Search
    3x Float Stone
    2x Virbank City Gym
    4x Hypnotoxic Laser
    3x Evosoda
    3x Ultra Ball
    1x Victory Piece
Energy 13:

  • 10x Grass Energy
    3x Fire Energy

This deck is just an idea, and I haven't tested yet. The deck strategy is simple. Get out Victini EX and Tangrowth as quickly as possible. Turbo energize to get grass energy on tangrowth who does 30x the number of grass energy. Which is stronger than Keldeo's damage input. Use Keldeo's rush in with float stone to protect Tangrowth the turn it can't attack. Using Mr. Mime to block bench damage. Using Virizion EX to stop status conditions from Tangrowth. Also Floette to give him more hp. I also threw in Minun to retrieve discarded energy. I just need some advice on this deck and if it's worth testing.
The first thing I noticed is that Virzion-EX is a better energy accelerator. It has high HP, isn't frail and does damage; unlike Victini. You normally would want to go first so you can Emerald Slash turn 2. Floette, Minum and Mr Mime aren't really necessary as you need the deck and bench space, and it ruins consistency.

After you attack with Tangrowth, there is two things you should be doing. One is Rushing In and retreating to Virizion to Emerald Slash more energy, while the other is retreating back to the same Tangrowth you just used. I believe that when you Rush In Keldeo and retreat your Active Tangrowth, all effects on Tangrowth are removed. This includes the 'This Pokemon can't attack' clause. And because Rush In is an ability, you can retreat back to Tangrowth in the same turn and attack.

Overall, this deck could certainly work well. The main problems I see in a competitive aspect is how the deck can be slow to set up. Some positive aspects is that it counters the ever so popular Seismitoad quite well.

-3 Victini EX (Virizion is better)
-1 Mr Mime (Only ever need 1, if at all).
-1 Flabebe (Not worth it, and you don't have the bench space)
-1 Floette (Not worth it, and you don't have the bench space)
-2 Minum (Not worth it)
-3 Max Revive (Isn't a great card, you can use better here)
-2 Energy Search (Professer's letter is superior)
-3 Evosoda (Not worth it, there are better ways to evolve)
-1 Victory Piece (No Victini, no Victory Piece)
-3 Fire Energy (No Victini)

+2 Virizion-EX (To try and get Virizion turn 2)
+1 Juniper (Consistency)
+2 Skyla/Roller Skates (To find the card you need but don't draw/draw item)
+2 Colress (Great draw card)
+3 VS Seeker (Get your Supporters back out of your discard)
+2 Lysandre (Great supporter that can help win many games)
+1 Lysandre's Last Resort (To use when you run out of Grass energy in your deck, so you get the energy back into your deck).
+1 Professor's Letter (You should only need 1, if at all)
+3 Muscle Band (A great tool)
+1 Virbank City Gym (Consistency)
+2 Grass Energy (Consistency)