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Tansbuck HGSS-on


Aspiring Trainer
I'm actually trying to make out this deck, if u could help pls:


4 - Tangela - CoL
2 - Tangrowth - CoL
2 - Deerling - B/W
2 - Sawsbuck - B/W
2 - Snivy - B/W
1 - Servine - B/W
2 - Serperior (Royal heal) - B/W
2 - Minccino -B/W
2 - Cinccino - B/W

(Although i'm thinking of getting out the cinccinos to put 2 metapods from HGSS in)


12 - Grass energy
4 - Double colorless energy


3 - Professor Oak's New Theory
2 - Professor Elm's Training Method
2 - Rare Candy
2 - Energy Exchanger
3 - Switch
2 - Interviewer's Questions
2 - Burned Tower
3 - Pokemon Communication
3 - Energy retrieval
3 - Pokemon Collector

What you think of it? what could I improve of it. Thanks :)
- 2-2 Cinccino line
+ 2 Sunflora
+ 2 Sunkern
Sunflora is a staple in Grass decks, especially in HGSS-on. Its searching ability is simply unmatchable

- 1 PONT
+ 1 Communication
4 Communication is a staple in HGSS-on decks

And I suppose that Tangela CL is your starter, right?
Yep so i equip plant, use his first attack, next turn get a double colorless energy on him and evolve it to tangrowth and hit for 80 dmg
-2 Burned Tower
-1 Energy Retrevial

+1 Flowershop lady (this replaces that Energy Retrevial) Flowershop returns usefull Pokemon to your hand, along with some basic Energy.
+2 Tangrowth (either 3-3 or 4-4 in ANY Tangrowth build) I played Tangrowth before the rotation so heed this advice.

Also, Tangrowth and Sawsbuck, although they do have Synergy, I would only use one or the other and max out your Serperior Lines. Your choice however. They both have almost the exact same attack.

Although if your playing just in League play, I would use Sawsbuck or Tangrowth because your not going to run into too many problems unless your meta consists of mostly fire type decks (even with Metapod, both of them still get destroyed).

If competitive however, Tangrowth is your nest option because he has more HP and also has a much better attack. Plus if you max out your Serperior lines, your healing for 4 per turn (unless you use the starter deck one along side the ability Serperior then you can heal even more per turn while using switch).

Hope I helped!

Actually FSL Puts it in the deck, but its good recovery for KO'd Tangrowths or Sawsbucks.
Thanks :) i'll try it out :p and tell how does it get along although actually i've been thinking of getting the typical zekrom combo, taking the zekrom and puting the tangrowths in, using the pachirisus and shaymins to poure the first energies to tankgrowth and if its gonna get killed, use seeker on shaymin to play it again so i can move the energies to another tangrowth which i should have in the bench and if i get a lucky hand, use switch and another seeker/super scoop or junk arm to get the tangrowth back to my hand. I think the deck would get faster and probably more effective and stand a greater chance to take away fire decks. ¿What you think about it? Because if everything goes well, second turn i would have a tangrowth attacking for 100/120/140 (if both energies equiped on it (without counting the lightning one from pachirisu, would be double colorless)