Tattoo Fanatics/Owners


Aspiring Trainer
I got my first last October. I am still waiting to setup and appointment to return and have it touched up, filled in, and get my second while I'm at it. But here it is until that day comes around.

I got the logo of my beloved hometwon hockey team, the PENGUINS!

RE: Tattoos are very bad.

There are little kids on this site. Do not encourage them to stick poisonous needles into them to make their skin deformed. I avoid people with tattoos because they are creepy. I don't know why you wanted that thing, but some day, you'll regret it.
Flygon Jedi Master said:
There are little kids on this site. Do not encourage them to stick poisonous needles into them to make their skin deformed. I avoid people with tattoos because they are creepy. I don't know why you wanted that thing, but some day, you'll regret it.

You are quick to judge. I know professors with tattoos that are very highly esteemed. Some people like them because its a representation of who they are or what they like. I was going to get a tattoo but then I saw how much it would be for the one I want ( close to $1500) and I said na. I would not regret it.
Flygon Jedi Master said:
There are little kids on this site. Do not encourage them to stick poisonous needles into them to make their skin deformed. I avoid people with tattoos because they are creepy. I don't know why you wanted that thing, but some day, you'll regret it.

Are you kidding me? This has got to be the most judgmental thing I've heard in my life. I have 5 tattoos myself, and I don't regret any of them. To me, it's a way to express personality.
RE: Tattoos are very bad.

Flygon Jedi Master said:
There are little kids on this site. Do not encourage them to stick poisonous needles into them to make their skin deformed. I avoid people with tattoos because they are creepy. I don't know why you wanted that thing, but some day, you'll regret it.

I also have to put my two cents in about this LOL post.

I dislike tattoos. I don't have any, and don't ever plan on getting one. However, just cause I don't like tattoos doesn't mean that I should avoid anyone who has one. That's like saying because I don't like tomatoes, I'm going to avoid everyone who does because I think they're creepy.

Sounds silly? That's cause it is.

Also, I'm confused as to where the topic poster encouraged anyone to get a tattoo? All I see is him saying "this is my tattoo" in a thread for others who have/like tattoos.

Don't turn this into a flame war, I will nuke you (if secrets doesn't get to you first).
Ummmmm? Aren't we getting off topic, people??

Anywho, that's an interesting tatoo choice. You must support the team a lot to make them a permanent part of your life. I wish them the best of luck!!

Also, good luck to you with the appointment. Do you have any idea what your second tatoo will be?
Now everyone hates me...:p

It's just...I see someone with a tattoo, and I think-"That person like to stick needles into themselves to make them more ugly, except now they have a pretty picture on them!"

It just freaks me out. It's also a waste of money. If you want to show "what you believe in", wear a shirt. That way you can take it off if necessary. Otherwise you have this gross permanent mark on your skin...I guess you guys can all the dandy little tattoos you want, but don't expect at least some people to judge you character unfairly right away for you having one.

If it isn't obvious yet, I'm not going to get a tattoo, and I will tell my children that monsters with rise from heck to eat them if they ever think about getting one.
Yeah... I'm not going to bother with a proper reply to that. You're entitled to your own opinions.

So anyway, as I'm sure the creator of this thread doesn't wish for it to turn into a flame war, I'll just say it's a cool tattoo. I've thought about getting one of my own, but I can never decide upon what it would actually be.
RE: Tattoos are very bad.

Flygon Jedi Master said:
There are little kids on this site. Do not encourage them to stick poisonous needles into them to make their skin deformed. I avoid people with tattoos because they are creepy. I don't know why you wanted that thing, but some day, you'll regret it.

There are also people old enough for tattoos, like myself. Please, do tell how posting tattoos is ENCOURAGEMENT.

You are quick to attack eh? No, I will not regret it, ever. I thought and waited over a year before I got mine. And I'm creepy is what you basically implied???

Good show bro...I'm currently majoring in business and going to law school. Which would what, make lawyers "creepy," then?

Grow up, an opinion like that isn't one that needs to be posted or even heard for that fact. If you don't like them. PLEASE, tell me why you opened the thread then? Hahah

Musical said:
Ummmmm? Aren't we getting off topic, people??

Anywho, that's an interesting tatoo choice. You must support the team a lot to make them a permanent part of your life. I wish them the best of luck!!

Also, good luck to you with the appointment. Do you have any idea what your second tatoo will be?

Indeed, I'd appreciate it if we stuck to the topic now. If you disagree with tattoos, which many do, then there is no reason you should even be in this thread in the first place, I just had to put in my two cents before I continued.

I absolutely love the Pens! I'm a big stickler on saving my money, and the only things I have spent more than $100 on in the past few years has been that tattoo, which will cost $120 total after touch ups, my Fleury jersery...Pens goalie if you aren't familiar, and tickets to the playoffs they were in last year =)

I am not 100% positive on what the next tattoo is going to be, but it's between a tribute to my 14 year old cat which just passed away in November, or my python Zeus in some way/shape/form.

Blah, can't remember who said they have 5 tattoos...but if you have pictures I'd love to see them. As much as I enjoyed getting mine done and drawing ideas I love seeing other peoples just as much


scampy said:
Yeah... I'm not going to bother with a proper reply to that. You're entitled to your own opinions.

So anyway, as I'm sure the creator of this thread doesn't wish for it to turn into a flame war, I'll just say it's a cool tattoo. I've thought about getting one of my own, but I can never decide upon what it would actually be.

Thats awesome that you have even considered one though, and even better than you have refrained from getting one because you aren't sure. As much as I love them and love seeing people get them. I respect a person so much more for not getting it if they have even the slightest doubt.

When I read what the first poster had said, "you'll regret it," I laughed out loud...not to sound disrespectful...but this is something I made 100% positive I wanted, because tattoo removal costs alot more and is alot more painful than any tattoo being done.

If your still considering, check out some sites with personal tattoos, it's pretty cool to see the variety out there. If you can draw, get a notebook or pad of paper and just start drawing stuff you like and once you get a few dozen drawings, go through them and see what you like best. This is what I do. And after I find the ones I like most, I try to incorporate a few into one.
I am never getting a tattoo, as I wouldn't like it, and I would probably regret it. :(

But, I know a lot of people with tattoos, and they look kewl. xD
I have no tatoos, for reasons similar to those of ImpulseRayquaza. They're just not my thing.

Llamaxpalooza- I'm very sorry about your cat. My condolences. But you have a python?!?!?!
That's pretty cool.
Tattoos are ok. They are great, but wold you get them with the knowledge that you could be poisoned.

I don't dislike tattoos. In fact, I support them. My cousin's entire business is in tattoos. He developed a new way to remove tattoos. If you put your arm under intense heat or intense cold, the tattoo will wash off.
Tattos are alright I suppsoe but I don't like the ones that are cheap, the green ones. Only one colour *shudders*
The one I was going to get was of the Scarecrow from batman (batman comics not the movie). My friend drew a really good picture for me, but I lost it : ( , if I still had the pic I would probably get it in small increments.
ssman0017 said:
from batman (batman comics not the movie)

Which makes you officialy awesome.

I wouldn't get one, but there's nothing wrong with them. It's not really anything morbid or horrible, FJM, it's just something to make you look cooler. :S
Whehn I looked on last post it said Magma King but whe I looked I thought you were Godzilla from the avatar lol. OMG Watchmen avatar is awsome!
Hey now MK. >:[ That's not cool yo. Heh. Changed.

Anyway, I might get a tatoo when I'm older. Probably not. It'd have to be like an avatar so I could change it every couple of days. ;/

dmaster out.