One of my friend's insisted that the video game had more strategy to it... I beg to differ. What's your opinion on the subject?
z-man said:They are both very different. TCG requires you knowing how to play you deck, how to play against your opponent's deck, and how to read your opponent's facial expressions. The video games makes you need to know how to predict your opponent's moves, and stuff like that. The difference is that in the TCG, there are millions of different moves you are going to need to make because of the millions of different senarios. The video games have fewer possible senarios.
That's why a $10 deck won worlds in a season where there were $300 decks running around all over, huh?burnpsy said:...the TCG is more along the lines of whoever has the most money to spend on it wins...
z-man said:That's why a $10 deck won worlds in a season where there were $300 decks running around all over, huh?burnpsy said:...the TCG is more along the lines of whoever has the most money to spend on it wins...Even though there aren't as many decks as teams in the video games, there are more problems that you could have to work around in the tcg.
Leveling up, and EVing and team building isn't that hard. Deck building... there are so many engines and stuff to work with, that you'll really have to start thinking. Unlike in the video games, you can't just throw any-old cards into a TCG deck. You have to have combos, and good engines. In the Video Games, you can pull together any 6 pokemon into a team, and still be able to win. In game, tcg is much harder.
Elite_Riku said:I agreed what Z said.
I believe that TCG is much more harder than you thought. Find a counter, deck engine, and getting the card for deck is tough. TCG requires alot of skill, strategy, and luck to win.
Hmm, not rly. I've seen a starter deck beat the most expensive deck. Also Lunasol beats LBS in worlds. $10 deck beat $200 or more (LBS).burnpsy said:...the TCG is more along the lines of whoever has the most money to spend on it wins...
I believe that's not true. Sometimes you win and sometimes you lose.burnpsy the TCG, there's also the possibility of winning with a random deck, but just like the games, everyone gets owned if they face a seasoned player...
What random pokemon? A friend brought that up, magikarp deck. Wanna know the combos, magikarp and 59 water energies, thats awesome. No, TCG is much more harder than that. >_>burnpsy said:...oh and for the bolded parts... the games need combos or you just lose... and the TCG still allows you to win with random pokemon, I don't see anything against that in the rules ^_^
Okay, cool. Stop using periods in beginning please, its annoying.burnpsy said:...and to the first paragraph: "...for every rule there's an exception."-Gym Leader Wattson, Pokemon Anime...
Games can be hard but not harder than TCG.burnpsy said:I know the TCG is hard tho... I was just pointing out that the games are too...
Elite_Riku said:Be careful cause I really like to poke back.
burnpsy said:...yeah, same here... but still... most of your responses were the exact same thing... you claim it's hard to counter everything in the TCG, but the games have just as much of a problem countering everything...
...stop fooling yourselves, there's the exact same amount of strategy in both...
...let's stop talking about difficulty...