Pokemon: 11
Very similar to Calvin Nordberg's semifinalist at US Nationals TDK list. Latias is used against heavy ability teams, one Latias won't get you too many KOs though, so you will also be relying on Genesect's Red Signal to work around things like pyroar. The main attacker is Kyurem PLF, usually using Frost spear(scores KOs beucase they are weak from Thundurus' Raiden Knuckle and LaserBank plus Deoxys ability.) Lugia, not sure why I put him in there, just seemed like a good idea.
2 Thundurus EX
3 Kyurem
4 Deoxys EX
1 Genesect EX
1 Latias EX
3 Switch
3 Muscle Band
4 Hypnotoxic Laser
3 Team Plasma Ball
1 Ultra Ball(for Latias EX)
3 Colress Machine (-1 Colress Machine)
2 Startling Megaphone
1 Computer Search
4 Professor Juniper
3 N
3 Colress
1 Bicycle
1 Skyla
2 Virbank City Gym
1 Lysandre
2 Super Scoop Up
1 Lightning
3 Water
4 Rainbow
4 Plasma
Very similar to Calvin Nordberg's semifinalist at US Nationals TDK list. Latias is used against heavy ability teams, one Latias won't get you too many KOs though, so you will also be relying on Genesect's Red Signal to work around things like pyroar. The main attacker is Kyurem PLF, usually using Frost spear(scores KOs beucase they are weak from Thundurus' Raiden Knuckle and LaserBank plus Deoxys ability.) Lugia, not sure why I put him in there, just seemed like a good idea.