Experience: Veteran
The strategy is to use either Absol or Leafeon to attack.
With Lugia as the alternate.
Haven't tried this version yet, but suggestions are welcome.
The 3 of a card thing is just something that seems to work in my decks.
Also I don't have a ton of cards, so please try to keep it sensible when suggesting.
- 3 Absol (Plasma Freeze)
- 3 Eevee (Plasma Freeze) (Growl/Quick Attack)
- 3 Leafeon (Plasma Freeze)
- 2 Darkrai EX (Legendary Treasures/Promo)
- 3 Yvetal (X&Y)
- 3 Lugia EX (Promo/Legendary Treasures/Plasma Storm)
- 3 N
- 3 Colress
- 3 Professor Juniper
- 3 Colress Machine
- 3 Team Plasma Ball
- 3 Energy Retrieval
- 3 Super Rod
- 3 Bianca
- 3 Muscle Band
- 3 Double Colorless Energy
- 10 Dark
- 3 Plasma Energy
The strategy is to use either Absol or Leafeon to attack.
With Lugia as the alternate.
Haven't tried this version yet, but suggestions are welcome.
The 3 of a card thing is just something that seems to work in my decks.
Also I don't have a ton of cards, so please try to keep it sensible when suggesting.