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Team Plasma Rules! (Absol / Leafeon / Lugia)


Aspiring Trainer
Experience: Veteran

  • 3 Absol (Plasma Freeze)
  • 3 Eevee (Plasma Freeze) (Growl/Quick Attack)
  • 3 Leafeon (Plasma Freeze)
  • 2 Darkrai EX (Legendary Treasures/Promo)
  • 3 Yvetal (X&Y)
  • 3 Lugia EX (Promo/Legendary Treasures/Plasma Storm)

  • 3 N
  • 3 Colress
  • 3 Professor Juniper
  • 3 Colress Machine
  • 3 Team Plasma Ball
  • 3 Energy Retrieval
  • 3 Super Rod
  • 3 Bianca
  • 3 Muscle Band

  • 3 Double Colorless Energy
  • 10 Dark
  • 3 Plasma Energy

The strategy is to use either Absol or Leafeon to attack.
With Lugia as the alternate.
Haven't tried this version yet, but suggestions are welcome.

The 3 of a card thing is just something that seems to work in my decks.
Also I don't have a ton of cards, so please try to keep it sensible when suggesting.
RE: Team Plasma Rules! (Absol/Leafeon/Darkrai/Mewtwo/Deoyxs)

I feel like this deck has no early game. Turn 2 you can have a leafeon that will do at most 40 damage. Absol could be similar if your opponent doesnt bench too many pokemon. This deck sort of relies too much on your opponent to do damage. So if your opponent plays right, they can keep your attacks doing minimal damage. The only really reliable attackers in your deck are mewtwo and darkrai. Both of which you only have 1 of.
RE: Team Plasma Rules! (Absol/Leafeon/Darkrai/Mewtwo/Deoyxs)

Yet somehow the deck worked really well (when it had Weezing instead of Leafeon).
It's just that damage was rather low when using Smogbank.

I haven't really tried this deck yet, but I will take your advice into consideration.

Any suggestions on what other cards to run instead of these?
I do have one more Darkrai (as well as that Team Plasma Darkrai).
I could try to get some more Mewtwo, but I also have a Yvetal EX I am not using (using the promo in another deck, I have the real card as well).

I tried a version that was an Eeveeloution deck, and one that had more EX cards.
I just kept gravitating towards this design.

BTW still kinda wondering why the Team Flare stuff doesn't have a logo or special stuff yet...
RE: Team Plasma Rules! (Absol/Leafeon/Darkrai/Mewtwo/Deoyxs)

It may take a few sets until team flare is a thing. They probably want to create a base set before going straight something like team plasma pokemon. Did you see how many sets of BW came out before PLS came out? I think it was something like 7 sets before team plasma was a thing.

I dont think 1 Deoxys is worth making a team plasma deck. 10 extra damage located somewhere in your deck isnt super helpful. Especially when your pokemon's damage is so easily manipulated. It might as well just be a silver bangle. As it doesn't give out 2 prizes when knocked out.

I would also suggest dropping psychic energy completely. if you want psychic energy its probably better to just use Blend energy so you still have a lot of dark energy. Since you only need it for Deoxys. As mewtwo should never use it.

Take out Team Plasma Grunt. Its bad, and the worst supporter in current format imo. Having to discard a plasma specific card to draw 4 is pretty bad. It might as well be Cheren instead of that.

Either way Absol and Leafeon are most useful as Techs rather than main attackers. Its usually something like Darkrai, Sableye, with tech absol, or Empoleon with Tech Leafeon.

If i can recall correctly. Plasma Darkrai is pretty bad as well. It takes the same amount of energy to do the same damage minus the bench damage and HP.

As much as i would hate to say it. Darkrai/Yvetal/Mewtwo with some tech pokemon would be a better bet. But thats just because EX pokemon are so good. But then your overall plasma theme would have to be discarded. Team plasma decks almost require something like Thundurus Ex and More Deoxys to be even worth making team plasma. Adding that power, the energy acceleration, and access to recyclable special energy. Then tossing in Absol or Leafeon as tech.
RE: Team Plasma Rules! (Absol/Leafeon/Darkrai/Mewtwo/Deoyxs)

Thanks for such a good response.

I do have all the promos from the tins. So I do have 1 Thunderus EX.
I also have a few Lugia EX. Not really sure if I want to "copy" other peoples decks though.

Sure I make decks that are similar to other deck ideas (like a Garchomp/Altaria/Haxourus deck), but I don't just copy a deck verbatim.

Did I mention one of the reasons I decided to make a Team Plasma deck?
When I was playing in the pre-release for Plasma Storm I pulled a Full-Art Colress (which I still use in this deck).

Maybe I could eliminate one of my other decks and change up the Supporters.
I do have some Shauna.
RE: Team Plasma Rules! (Absol/Leafeon/Darkrai/Mewtwo/Deoyxs)

Colress is fine to keep in any deck. I honestly dont like Colress, because of how it can end up being your only supporter turn 1. But i know a bunch of other players that use him. I use my FA Bianca and Skyla for the same reason as you. So they are in every deck i make.

Im not sure what you mean by "copying" someones deck list. I didnt suggest that at all. Im just saying that the staple for team plasma are Thundurus Ex and like 3-4 Deoxys. If you are going to use Deoxys that is. Just how like Juniper and N are standard in every deck. They are in every deck because they are good, and avoiding to use the cards just because you want to be "original," is probably a poor way to go about things.
RE: Team Plasma Rules! (Absol/Leafeon/Lugia)

So I updated the deck.

Tried playing the version I had previously posted.
Maybe it was the opponent, but it didn't do as well as planned.
He was playing a energy denial deck, so I could never get enough to do Absol's attack.
I did get a Leafeon out & KOed a Darkrai EX with it.
RE: Team Plasma Rules! (Absol/Leafeon/Lugia)

So anybody have any suggestions for the updated list?