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Team Steve mudkipLIEKS durant mill variation


Aspiring Trainer
Here is my part of team steve and my durant variation

4x Durant NV
3x Carvanah TR
3x Sharpedo TR
2x Fliptini NV
2x Cleffa HS
2x Spiritomb TM

3x Collector
3x Catcher
3x Twins
4x Revive
2x Interviewers
2x Team Rockets Trickery
4x Switch
3x Junk Arm
2x Pont
3x Eviolite
2x alph litho four
5x {D}
7x {M}

the idea of this deck is to use durant as a stall and mill the opponents deck out then you can place spiritomb to let your opponent get a new hand use fliptini to get both heads on sharpedo discard that and continuously mill
whats the point of alph litho 4 if your not going to do damage and KO stuff?

i would take those out and put in some dual balls to guarantee turn 1 mill by durants.

also - revive for some more hand refreshers like Prof Oaks
ogeray said:
whats the point of alph litho 4 if your not going to do damage and KO stuff?

i would take those out and put in some dual balls to guarantee turn 1 mill by durants.

also - revive for some more hand refreshers like Prof Oaks
Know were your prized durants are.
Alph Lilograth is pointless without Rotom to actually be able to get any prized Durants.

I was liking the whole Spritomb TM strategy to force your opponent to draw 6 cards (deck them faster) but then lost interest when i saw you were planning to use Sharpedo to TRY and get rid of all cards in your opponents hand. Even with Victini the chances of landing 2 heads is still pretty low. Even with Eviolite Durant will still face OHKO's from the beefier pokemon (Reshiram, Zekrom, Magnezone) so you can't really let-off from the milling. I'd prefer Weavile over Sharpedo any day as it allows you to discard a card from your opponents hand 100% of the time and you see what card you want to discard plus Sneasel and Weavile don't have a retreat cost so you starting with Sneasel or Weavile being Catchered isn't a problem.

However my suggestion would require you to add at least a 2-2 Weavile UD line as well as a couple of SSU and Seeker to reuse Spiritomb/Weavile.