Team Underdemeciated


Fiat Lux

For your information I am not illiterate! The word "underdemeciated" is just from the movie "Bedtime Stories" after the kid hears the word "underappreciated."

After having experimented in different metagames, UU and Ubers were the only ones that I had left untouched. I felt as though it was time to give the UU Tier a try, and to date it has easily been my favourite tier due to the diversity of teams that you see. This tier has allowed me to use pokemon that I had never even used in an ingame pokemon run such as Porygon-2 and Bronzong, and I am glad that I had done this. I would recommend the UU Tier to anybody and everybody! Anyway.. onto the Team!



[Being Reworked Soon!]

Well since I had never played UU before, I wanted to check up on the major threats in the Metagame, but I also didn't want to give up my playstyle that I had used in OU. So I began to just transfer the pokemon that I had used in my OU team, into my UU team for starters. Prankster Sableye and Intimidate Hitmontop were two pokemon that I had in my OU team and loved to use, and since they were performing great in my OU team, I could imagine how well they'd perform in their respective tiers.


Next I wanted to try and convert some of my other OU members into UU pokemon. I subbed in my Rotom-W for a nice Rotom-H and my Heatran for a Bronzong.


Now that I had four pokemon, I had to think hard about my last two. For one, I wanted to have a MoxieMon, one that could benefit from my other pokemon wearing the opponent down. My first choice was Heracross, but I decided against going for the largest threat in the metagame, and instead chose one of my old RU favourites, MoxieKrow


Now for the final pokemon. I felt as if I had more than enough raw fire power on both sides of the spectrum, having Hitmontop and Honchkrow on the physical side, and a specs Rotom-H on the special side. I also wanted a solid answer to threats like Nidoking and the like. This is why I chose to use Eviolite Porygon 2.


After playing this team, I noticed that I was struggling against the plethora of fire types that roam this metagame, such as Victini and other Rotom-H's. The truth in the matter is that although for its fire typing, Rotom-H does not take hits very well. This is why I decided to switch it out for one of the metagame's most prominent pokemon, Chandelure.





Bold represents a change
Italics represents a pokemon that will be changed after testing for a suitable replacement


ZongRon (Bronzong) @ Leftovers
Trait: Levitate
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SDef
Relaxed Nature (+Def, -Spd)
- Stealth Rock
- Gyro Ball
- Toxic
- Earthquake

Bronzong is one of my favourite pokemon on the team. It can deal with the plethora of physical fighting types in the metagame, as well as being able to exploit its other resistances. Fire types are its only true weakness, and they can be taken down by other pokemon and worn down by the stealth rocks that Bronzong sets up. STAB Gyro Ball actually deals out a lot of damage to pokemon that don't resist it, especially because of his 0 speed IVs. Earthquake provides another means to counter its common switch ins such as fire types and magneton. Toxic can also help wear down set up pokemon and other walls. The importance of Stealth Rock on this team is huge because it ultimately aids in wearing down pokemon which makes a Chandelure or Honchkrow sweep so much easier.


BossKrow (Honchkrow) (F) @ Dark Gem
Trait: Moxie
EVs: 252 Atk / 204 SDef / 52 Spd
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Tailwind
- Sucker Punch
- Brave Bird
- Roost

Appropriately named BossKrow, this pokemon has HUGE potential to sweep, especially after its first Moxie Boost. Although the physical life orb or mixed life orb sets are the most common, I used this set which I had found on another site. It had proved to be very effective due to the Dark Gem boost almost always guaranteeing me my Moxie Boost. With the Dark Gem boost, I can always OHKO Chandelure and threaten other pokemon more, 2HKOing almost all pokemon in the metagame. After the Moxie Boost, prediction is required to see whether or not the opposing pokemon attacks, or tries to go for a non-attacking move which will cause Sucker Punch to fail.


Blastoise @Leftovers
Bold Nature
Trait: Torrent
252 HP/252 Def/4 SpDef
~Rapid Spin

Blastoise is great, and I used him after One Approved had recommended using him over Hitmontop for this team, now finally having a bulky water. This can now help to remedy my old weakness to the plethora of powerful fire types in the tier, as well as being able to take hits decently from anywhere. Rapid spin gives me the valuable ability to rid my team of any hazards, which could potentially ruin sweeps from Chandelure and making switching in general a pain. Toxic is to cripple pokemon who like to stall like Milotic, as well as crippling in coming ghosts on the switch such as Sableye (which would be great!) and Chandelure. Scald allows me to actually damage pokemon, with the added effect of a possible burn, which ruins any physical attacker. Roar is to help phaze away set up pokemon + pokemon who think that they can hide behind a substitute.


Sabloid (Sableye) (M) @ Leftovers
Trait: Prankster
EVs: 252 HP / 120 Def / 136 SDef
Calm Nature (+SDef, -Atk)
- Will-O-Wisp
- Knock Off
- Recover
- Taunt

Oh how I love thee Sableye. This guy is a staple on my OU teams, and he has proven to be incredibly effective in UU. Taunt allows me to stop lead pokemon from setting up hazards as well as ruining their support pokemon's plans such as Trick Room Slowking and the likes. Will-O-Wisp completely destroys most physical attackers (beware of Heracross!) and if they choose to stay in, I can simply stall them to death with Recover. This set was also one that I had editted myself, exchanging Night Shade/Foul Play for knock off. The possibility of ruining eviolite and choiced pokemon like scarf Chandelure was just too good. This Sableye has resulted in many rage quits and the like purely because of how annoying it is.

If I see an Aerodactyl or common Hazard-setter in the preview, I will automatically switch this guy in to put a stop to them. Usually I go for the taunt (just to be safe even if I feel a switch is coming), and if they stay the turn, I proceed to Will-o-Wisp, which destroys any hope of Aerodactyl beating me. Usually they just keep the pokemon in to die.


Candlejack (Chandelure) (M) @ Choice Scarf
Trait: Flash Fire
EVs: 252 SAtk / 4 SDef / 252 Spd
Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Fire Blast
- Shadow Ball
- Energy Ball
- Hidden Power [Fighting]

After playing this pokemon, I can definitely see why it is the second most used pokemon on Pokemon Online. It presents such a huge threat due to its base 145 Special Attack. Fire Blast and Shadow Ball are two very powerful STAB moves, and are complemented with amazing coverage with other moves like HP [Fighting] and Energy Ball. When a team has lost their Fire resist, I can easily "fire" off Fire Blasts with out fear of what switches in. With Stealth Rocks in play, he has the potential to sweep teams with ease due to his speed and high special attack.


Pryo (Porygon2) @ Eviolite
Trait: Download
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SAtk
Modest Nature (+SAtk, -Atk)
- Tri Attack
- Ice Beam
- Discharge
- Recover

Eviolite Porygon2 is simply amazing. It has so much pure bulk and it can takes hits like an absolute boss. However, after a Download Boost in its Special Attack, it becomes a huge threat, being able to fire off STAB Tri-Attacks. Discharge can ruin fast sweepers due to paralysis, and Ice Beam counters threats such as Gligar, Zapdos and Flygon.
Some Damage Calculations (source: Smogon)
Tri Attack vs. 252/0 Machamp 54.9% - 65.1%
Tri Attack vs. 4/0 Heracross 64.6% - 75.8%
Tri Attack vs. 252/0 Hitmontop 56.3% - 66.4%
Discharge vs. 252/4 Suicune 54% - 63.9%
Discharge vs. 252/4 Slowbro 75.1% - 88.8%
Discharge vs. 252/4 Blastoise 65.7% - 77.3%
Discharge vs. 252/252 Empoleon 47.8% - 56.5%
Ice Beam vs. 208/48 Rhyperior 52% - 61.22%
Ice Beam vs. 252/136 Roserade 69.8% - 82.1%
Ice Beam vs. 248/228 Zapdos 60.6% - 71.5%

As you can see, it can deal out humongous damage, while being bulky enough to take many hits, proving that it is quite an extraordinary pokemon.


Victini -

HUGE HUGE HUGE threat. I can't safely switch in Chandy because of Fusion Bolt and he can destroy Pory or anything else that switches in. I have to once again either predict well.. or fodder off a pokemon

Darmanitan -

I honestly don't have a safe switch in to this guy. If I predict right I can handle him.. but honestly he can be unpredictable. I usually have to get the predict right (E.g. predicting Flare Blitz and switching into Chandy or predicting Superpower and switching into Chandy/Sableye).. or just fodder off a pokemon to take him down

Zapdos -

This pokemon is an overall beast. More times than not, Porygon 2 is my answer and I can proceed to Ice Beam and Recover from there. If porygon 2 is down, then I have to fodder off a pokemon and switch in either Honchkrow or Chandy.

Snorlax -

Curselax's can be quite a handful, but usually Hitmontop can handle them with his intimate + Close Combat combo. If Snorlax sets up a few curses he can be very difficult to handle. Non-rest variants are destroyed by Sableye and Hitmontop

Heracross -

Depending on what I have out, depends on how I handle him. If I think that this is a scarf set, I switch into Hitmontop to get the Intimidate on him and handle it from there, but the Choice Band variant can be a handful, and usually requires careful prediction to beat.

Gligar -

If Sableye is still alive, I can taunt this guy and hopefully get a knock off, to rid him off Eviolite. Otherwise, he can be quite a handful

Flygon -

Handled by Bronzong rather easily, or if he is down, Hitmontop can switch in for the Intimidate or Honchkrow can switch in if I predict an EQ coming.


As I said in my introduction, this tier is very fun and diverse (as in not seeing a rain team everywhere you look!) and it has allowed me to use new favourites like Pory and Chandelure. I recommend trying out UU to anyone and to try and be creative!



Tazo (Hitmontop) (M) @ Leftovers
Trait: Intimidate
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SDef
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Fake Out
- Rapid Spin
- Mach Punch
- Close Combat

This is a variant of Hitmontop that I had used in OU. I'm not sure whether or not this is a common set (it's not on Smogon) or not, but I still love to use it. I basically just joined the TechniTop set with the standard rapid spin set. Intimidate allows me to weaken physical attackers, and I can proceed to Fake Out, almost always guaranteeing me a turn to restore health from leftovers, as well as doing a bit of damage. This set is great because it can rapid spin away hazards, but it is not entirely useless due to it having access to a STAB Close Combat and Mach Punch.
In addition to Zapdos, Special attackers in general are going to run all over you. Chandelure, Togekiss, and most notably, Nidoking are all going to be huge pains for your team. I would recommend replacing Honchkrow with something more stable on the special side. A bulky water-type would be helpful here, like Suicune or Milotic as they will also help immensely with Victini, Darmanitan, Gligar, Flygon, and even a little bit with Heracross.I don't understand the point of Tailwind Honchkrow as Chandelure is scarfed, Sableye has Prankster, and the rest of the team doesn't care about speed. Honchkrow should be used as a wallbreaker rather than a supporter. For Suicune, I would suggest:

Suicune @Leftovers
Timid Nature
Trait: Pressure
252 SpAtk/4 SpDef/252 Spe
~Calm Mind
~Hydro Pump
~Hidden Power Electric/Grass
~Ice Beam

It's got enough bulk to switch in a few times, and it can post a great threat after just 1 turn of setup. Hidden Power Electric hits Empoleon supereffectively, while Grass will OHKO Swampert and Quagsire. I'd recommend Electric.

Using Foul Play on Sableye over Knock Off will help a bit against Snorlax, as the damage calculation is based on the opposing attack stat, so as Snorlax curses up, your Foul Plays will become more powerful.

For Hitmontop, you use either TechniTop or a spinner. Not both. Without Technician, Fake Out and Mach Punch don't do enough damage, and with Technician, Rapid Spin is a dead slot. If you use Hitmontop, I would suggest:
Hitmontop @Leftovers
Trait: Intimidate
Impish Nature
252 HP/252 Def/4 Atk
~Rapid Spin
~Close Combat
~Stone Edge

Stone Edge and Toxic will both cripple Zapdos as it switches in, so Porygon2 isn't so stressed anymore. However, a viable option over Hitmontop completely is Blastoise. It provides the bulky water you need to help against Victini, Darmanitan, Heracross, Gligar, and Flygon, while also providing Rapid Spin support. You could use:
Blastoise @Leftovers
Bold Nature
Trait: Torrent
252 HP/252 Def/4 SpDef
~Rapid Spin
~Roar/Dragon Tail/Ice Beam

Toxic will cripple Ghosts who switch in to block Rapid Spin, as well as Zapdos. Roar will build up Stealth Rock and Spikes (i'll get to that momentarily) damage, as does Dragon Tail. The main difference is Dragon Tail hits Kingdra super effectively, but isn't 100% accurate and doesn't hit through Substitute. Ice Beam can be used though since you're so Zapdos weak.

Speaking of Kingdra, it will troll your team in its entirety. Roserade and Shaymin would both be viable options to help out. Roserade can set up Spikes which would work well with Blastoise, and it gives you a strong Fire/Water/Grass defensive core. Shaymin can be used for a more offensive alternative, and it can also use Leech Seed to give your team some form of recovery. Offensive Roserade could be used too. Use one of the following three sets:
Roserade @Black Sludge
Calm Nature
Trait: Natural Cure
252 HP/120 Def/136 SpDef
~Giga Drain
~Sludge Bomb

Pros: Spikes is always a plus. Has rest to heal itself, and its 2 attacks deal decent damage
Cons: It doesn't hit EXTREMELY hard, and Kingdra can still set up on it somewhat easily, ESPECIALLY if it's a ChestoRest set.

Roserade @Life Orb
Timid nature
Trait: Natural Cure
252 SpAtk/4 SpDef/252 Spe
~Leaf Storm
~Sludge Bomb
~Sleep Powder
~Rest/Synthesis/Hidden Power Fire

Pros: Beats the tar out of Kingdra expecting it to set up Spikes or just use Giga Drain. The new sleep mechanic also means that Sleep Powder will potentially put one of your opponent's Pokémon out of commission for the entire match, or a big big part of it.
Cons: Doesn't have spikes, and is rather frail, although Rest and Synthesis can keep it alive longer. I'd recommend Rest for reliability, although Synthesis is completely viable since Sand Stream is no longer a problem.

Shaymin @Leftovers
Trait: Natural Cure
Timid Nature
252 HP/4 SpAtk/252 Spe
~Leech Seed
~Seed Flare
~Earth Power

Pros: Leech Seed can allow you to pass recovery around the team, Seed Flare is hard to switch into even without an investment because of the 40% chance for a Special Defense drop, and SubSeed is just plain annoying for bulky offensive teams to face off against. Earth Power is the best option normally because of Arcanine, Houndoom, Victini, and Darmanitan. This is also an uncommon set that is unexpected.
Cons: Also doesn't have spikes, but Leech Seed somewhat makes up for it. Seed Flare only has 8 PP, so it's easy to stall out, especially if your opponent uses something with Pressure.Also doesn't use Rest, so it's not as consistant as Roserade when it comes to recovery.

Option A:
Switch to defensive Hitmontop and use CM Suicune over Honchkrow
Option B:
Switch Hitmontop to Blastoise, and use either Roserade or Shaymin over Honchkrow

I'd prefer option B myself.
Thank you very much for this amazing post!
Sorry that I didn't reply earlier.
I have switched out Hitmontop for Blastoise. I'm really only missing that Intimidate but he works great!
Still working out the other replacement.. but I don't know. I've been switching out Honch for either Roserade/Shaymin/Heracross
I'm leaning more towards MoxieCross but I honestly don't know at this point :l