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Terrakion BW On

NP Rangerz

Aspiring Trainer
I recently got hold of 4 Terrakions and plan on making a deck. Im just not sure if I should run quad Terrakions or add something else. I am relatively new to the game therefore I don't have a lot of cards.
Here is a draft of what I am thinking on running.

4 Terrakion

4 Juniper
4 N
4 Cheren

4 Heavy Ball
4 Exp Share
4 Plus Power
4 Switch
3 Random Receiver
3 Revive
2 Enhanced Hammer
2 Pokemon Catcher - I only have 2
1 Super Rod

13 {F} Energy

I currently have 4 spaces left. Any suggestions? I can't get any more catchers.

I was thinking about adding Stunfisk from dragons exalted as a starter. It can be searched by heavy ball and it has a 1 energy attack that can soften up the opponents benched pokemon for terrakion to KO. Stunfisk can also donk Tynamos.
I'd suggest adding a few Landorus NV. It's a great starter, able to do a good amount of damage and soften up your opponents bench for KOs. It also energy accelerates. If you have it, however, I'd suggest adding Terrakion EX. It's the best energy acceleration available for the deck, and it's attacks are fairly powerful as well.
Puff said:
I'd suggest adding a few Landorus NV. It's a great starter, able to do a good amount of damage and soften up your opponents bench for KOs. It also energy accelerates. If you have it, however, I'd suggest adding Terrakion EX. It's the best energy acceleration available for the deck, and it's attacks are fairly powerful as well.

Thanks for your reply. I don't know anyone with Terrakion EX but I can trade for a few Landorus. I also have 1 Groudon but I'm not sure if it fits into this deck.
Also, do you have any suggestions on how to deal with Tornadus or Tornadus EX?
Tornadus EX is a hard one. There's no real way to deal with it in Terrakion Variants that I know of, seeing as Ruins of Alph has been rotated.
Groudon works really well in this deck as a heavy hitter to deal with non-electrics and non-darks.
I understand that Terrakion EX provides energy acceleration but it also gives up two prizes and only does 90 damage. In many cases Terrakion is a 2HKO and so is Terrakion EX therefore the prize trade would be unfavourable. Terrakion EX could be a good addition to the deck but I'm not quite sure if it is worth giving up two prizes. Knocking out two Terrakions seems more difficult then knocking out one Terrakion EX. Thanks for your suggestion. Maybe someone can persuade me to use Terrakion EX?
And then you retaliate for 2 prizes, since you can set up 2 retaliates with the effect of 1 Pump-up Smash. It speeds up an otherwise slow deck to a tremendous extent.
You need at least more than just 4 Terraktion!

Would add Evolite instead of EXP Share, drop the Cheren and at all, maybe consider to redesign your deck...
If i add eviolite instead of exp share I will lose all my energy. The Exp share helps me keep energy on the board which I really need considering I have no energy acceleration. What should i replace the Cherens with? And what other pokemon do you suggest I add? The suggestions so far are Terrakion EX, Landorus and Groudon EX.
No offense, but you should really start to look at other decklists and then look what is "playble" and what isn't...
You want you Pokémon to live as long as they can, Eviolite helps with this.
You need something else, which can hit your opponent and can survive a hit for 80-120.

In my oppinion just focusing on Terrakion is a mistake, you have high energy costs with just a little damage.
You want to hit hard, you want to 1-hit each turn!
But if you want to stay focused on Terrakion, try Terrakion EX. ^^"