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Testing RAIKOU-EX!


3 Raikou-EX
3-3 Eelektrik (40 hp Tynamo)
1 Cleffa
3 Thundurus
2-1-2 Magnezone
2 Cryogonal

T/S/S (25)
4 Pokemon Collector
4 Pokemon Communication
3 Pokemon Catcher
2 Junk Arm
3 Sage's Training
2 Engineer's Adjustments
2 Rare Candy
2 Skyarrow Bridge

3 Prism Energy
12 Lightning Energy

This is a very raw version of a way to run Raikou-EX. I saw it, and fell in love with the card. I saw how it could be easily combined with Eelektrick and my ideas began to soar. This deck started as Magnezone/Eelektrik, with Raikou-EX teched in, but decided to switch it to Raikou-EX/Eelektrik with Magnezone teched in.

The prefered start is Thundurus, hitting 80 on turn two, discarding energy, and setting up a Raikou-EX on the bench. When Thundurus does his job, you would send up a fully charged Raikou-EX, sniping Pokemon for prizes (Eelektrik, Reuniclus, and more bench sitters get knocked out in a single blow. AWESOME!) Magnezone is used for draw, and a possible late attacker. Cryogonal is for the obvious weakness to Donphan, also why I'm running Prism Energy.

I know this deck is probably far from being as good as it should, I made this list within 15 minutes of actually sitting down to think about Raikou-EX. Please give me many suggestions on what's the best way to run this deck! PLEASE DO NOT SUGGEST TORNADUS.

Cards I thought about putting in:
Level Ball (To search for Eelektrik fast)


Prism Energy – Special Energy
This card provides 1 Colorless Energy.
If it’s attached to a Basic Pokemon, it provides 1 unit of every Type of Energy.

Skyarrow Bridge – Trainer’s Stadium
Each player’s Basic Pokemon has its retreat cost lowered by 1 Energy.
You can only play 1 Stadium next to your Active Pokemon during your turn. If a Stadium with a different name comes into play, discard this card.

Raikou-EX - Lightning - HP170
Basic Pokemon
[L][C] Thunder Fang: 30 damage. Flip a coin, if heads, the Defending Pokemon is now Paralyzed.
[L][[L][C] Voltage Arrow: Discard all Lightning Energy from this Pokemon. This attack does 100 damage to one of your opponent's Pokemon. (Don't apply Weakness and Resistance when damaging the Bench.)
Weakness: Fighting (x2)
Resistance: none
Retreat: 1
I personally would

-3 electric energy
-1 Raikou EX/ Thundurus/Cryogonal

+2 junk arm
+1 communication

I don't think you need so many energy or attackers. Junk arm can put energy in discard if needed and get back trainers. PONT and communication for consistency.
I would take out
-2 Crygonal
And add
+2 Pachirisu
I feel that Pachirisu could easily help set up Raikou in possibly the first turn if you wanted to.

Oh, you would also have to run Shaymin. I'm not sure if you want it to make it like ZPST, but I would think about it.
I see why Shaymin helps, but with Skyarrow Bridge, it seems kind of pointless. I don't want to run Pachi either because I'm trying to start with Thundurus. Also if I take out Cryogonal, how would I answer to Donphan?