Thanksgiving Traditions


It's a ninetales Rory. =P
Hey guys, WP here. Since it's close to Thanksgiving it got me thinking: What do the people of Pokebeach like to do for Thanksgiving? So here is where you can share! For Thanksgiving, our whole family gets together and has a great time. Also, our cousins come over the night before and we all hang out and play video games and stuff. =]
My family goes to my mom's parents for lunch and then go to my dad's sister's house for supper. Our tradition is to watch the football games on Thanksgiving along with the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade.
Oh yeah I forgot, we love to watch the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade as well in the Morning and then once we get to whoever's hosting the party's house, we usually have the football game on. Good times... ^_^;
My sister and I usually get up at around 9 AM and get ready to watch the Thanksgiving Day Parade. While we're watching the parade, the succulent smell of turkey fills my entire house. After the parade, I usually help chop vegetables or make the salad.

We have my cousins and grandparents over my house. We usually watch football and eat dinner. It's a good little tradition.
Hm... Well, we used to eat Thanksgiving dinner at this one table in our dining room (instead of the table in the kitchen), but we haven't done so the past couple of years. (The table is never used any other time, so it was kinda the "Thanksgiving Table" for a while.)

The one tradition that I can think of would be one of my brothers saying "Thank you for this lovely feast, even though my sister is a beast" during grace. It's a joke, of course, but it's happened every year as far back as I can remember. We used to watch the parade, too, but that's more of a "if we have time to" thing, now.
Me and my Mom watch the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade, go eat at a restaurant (sweet potato pie <3), and then I usually watch some Football, play some games, and of course get on here a little bit. This might be the first time that we might see a movie on Thanksgiving, although I'm not sure yet. For sure that weekend though.

dmaster out.
I go over my grandpa's every Thanksgiving day. We always enjoy watching the Detroit Lions embarrass themselves. I mostly just chillax that day, don't really bother doing any homework of any kind.
elekid957 said:
and play rock band.

Win. Lol.

We usually just eat a nice little dinner a my house; A nice little turkey, tamales or pozole, and some mashed potatoes. This year, though, we might go to my cousin's in Arizona, to be with my grandma, since she is pretty ill. I might take my Rock Band to enjoy the time over there with my cousins.
My Aunt Jody, and Cousin Paul come down here and we all eat out at a very expensive restraunt. We also watch Packers vs Lions.
I help prepare the food which is a ton takes most of the day while watching football over the bar counter in our kitchen everybody comes over our house for thanksgiving so we prepare mass amounts of food.
thne we all just hang out and play our own football or jump on the Xbox360 and play video games.
Eat eat and eat until we go into a food coma lol. Then just screw around and get bored. olollolol

Cook a lot of good food, eat dinner, then sit down and watch some movies or play video games. We have pie later on after dinner settles. Mmm. Pie.
Unlike most of you pokebeachers, I live in the best country on earth, Canada.
Our thanksgiving was in OCTOBEER and we just have a regular thanksgiving dinner at our house.