That blastoise Evo blister...

For what it's worth here in Colorado I was at Target last night, after my time at the Black and White Tour:D and they did not have the Celebi special set or the two evolution packs, nor did they have the special one with the Hitmochan and Hitmonlee...or the blister packs though we have yet to receive information on the blister packs themselves.
So I went to Target and walmart :( :( ... And I saw the torterra blister at target and the celebi box at walmart. No blastoise though. :(
i might check my target...i want to make a blastgatr deck and that will be needed...i also want the box...
I've noticed that Target always seems to let things out late, or at least mine. I think the only time Target has had anything out on time was when I found Secret Wonders there early. But that was over two years ago.
^mine usually has everything on time walmart is really bad at it here and walgreens...lets just say they still have the lucario tin rofl :D
Yeah. I'm building BlastGatr too, and I need 2 more blastoise and some staple T/S/S. Nothing else... Might just trade for it, or see if the store that holds my league has it.
I went looking for it, today. No Luck. I am trying again Wednesday.
Quit complaining! I probably have to wait like another month for these packs to arrive in my home-country:(
I went to Wal Mart and did not find them (found the World of Illusions Box Set though) and then to Target where I found the Torterra Evolution Pack, but no Blastoise Evolution Pack...halfway there.

Perhaps I'll have better luck next week when I go searching for the Black/White preview tins.
I am checking tomorrow and I will cross state lines to look.
My town's TRU, Wal-mart, and Target all have the Celebi pack and the Torterra and Blastoise packs (bought all three :D). I live in Jersey
@pikachu6319 OMG I FORGOT ABOUT THOSE...cant wait for those to come eather. or will those be late like the blastoise pack :p
@catutie I'm hoping that they won't be late but I suspect they probably will be.

@slickmario Lucky you, finding the Blastoise Pack. I find it weird that I found the Torterra one but not Blastoise. Again, I'm hoping for better luck when I go hunt down the B/W preview tins.
Success!! I found a store in an adjoining state that had them.