Friend Code: 1590 - 5264 - 6496
Time Zone: Eastern Standard Time.
Times Available: Any week day between 3-5pm and after 9:30pm and all day on weekends.
- Phantump
- Ponyta
- Charmander
- Growlithe
- Fennekin
- Gible
- Noibat
- Dusclops
- Squirtle
- Trapinch
- Magmar
- Electabuzz
- Zebstrika
Services Offered: Can breed for specific natures and such.
- Desperately seeking cyndaquil. Can offer above Pokemon or others such as evolved forms/X exclusives/other Pokemon with specific natures/and my Mewtwo.
Time Zone: Eastern Standard Time.
Times Available: Any week day between 3-5pm and after 9:30pm and all day on weekends.
- Phantump
- Ponyta
- Charmander
- Growlithe
- Fennekin
- Gible
- Noibat
- Dusclops
- Squirtle
- Trapinch
- Magmar
- Electabuzz
- Zebstrika
Services Offered: Can breed for specific natures and such.
- Desperately seeking cyndaquil. Can offer above Pokemon or others such as evolved forms/X exclusives/other Pokemon with specific natures/and my Mewtwo.