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The A-bomb ( Absol/Ampharos/Electrode G) Masters CC


Haha what?
Alright, here goes, this is first and foremost a power lock deck.

Pokemon (20)
3 Absol Prime
2-2-2 Ampharos Pt
3 Electrode G
2 uxie
1 unown q
1 Zangoose Pt
1 Honchkrow G
1 Quagsire GL

T/S/St (25)
4 Cyrus Conspiracy
2 Sp radar
1 Energy Gain
3 Collector
2 Bebe's
3 Twins
1 Blackbelt
2 Warp point
3 Rare candy
2 Snowpoint Temple
1 Sunnyshore Gym
2 Expert belt
1 Luxury ball

Energy (15)
6 {L}
4 special {D}
2 Basic {D}
1 {W}

Okay, the goal is to start with Electrode or possibly Absol. Use Electrodes attack to spread twenty across your opponents side of the field and get you down on prizes. Bring up Absol to keep up the damage if your opponent plays any basics down, and on your turn either use twins or cyrus to get twins so that Ampharos comes out as soon as possible. Then with Absol active as the attacker your opponent cannot ever use powers, including play down ones such as uxie. Without powers most people are limited in draw power which allows you to easily k.o. their weakened and not fully set up pokemon. Quagsire GL is in there to have some sort of counter for donphan, Zangoose can drag up easy kills or damage the bench even more, and Honchkrow G can search out stadiums or add to the pain on the bench.
I have the same idea..and also thought about teching in Vileplume UD for Further disruption with benched trainer-lock
You might want to tech against Dialga G, because he will block all your bodies (apart from Quagsire GL) and that is not good. Maybe a Blaziken FB or something? :S
Dang, there are just so many decks that are an aouto-loss to DGX. Whoever @ Pokémon had the brilliant idea to make a basic's Lv.X block all non-SP 'Bodies had a really bad idea.
Do tech in Vileplume, though. I can see this deck working fairly well; just watch that your opponent doesn't Seeker, Warp Point, and then place down a bench/evolve with BTS with no damage counters on it.
Well, Vileplume won't help with the already bad match up with Dialga G, and it will mess with consistency, so I think vileplume is a no. Blaziken may work against Dialga G but I would rather find some way of just killing it without having to bring it active first.

I made some changes to the list and a bit of the strategy.
You COULD use a Galactic HQ to place even more damage counters, but it totally kills your Ampharos. Only 20 with Rare Candy, though. Makes Machamp less of a pain.
Garchomp. That is all.