The Architect — Using Archaludon ex to Build Dialga VSTAR


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Hello PokeBeach readers! Isaiah here, and I am happy to be writing another article for you all! Last time, I discussed the re-emergence of Iron Thorns ex at the Regional Championships level, especially in decks like Dragapult ex as a way to alter the pace of the game to establish a more powerful late game strategy. This strategy is going to be replicated by Budew in the upcoming format, which is a topic deserving of its own article, but it is not going to the focus of this article.
Of the the last couple of weekends, with the Birmingham, Rio de Janeiro, and San Antonio Regional Championships, we have seen several minor shifts in the meta...

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As a long-time Dialga player, I'd argue Metang as acceleration with Dialga as the main attacker is better because if you whiff a key turn you can come back later.