The Beach Member Picture Thread
Welcome! This thread is where you can post your "selfies", life experiences, new things you got, couple/family/vacation photos, or just other cool photography that you want to share! We love members who post regularly, just make sure you follow the rules below!
Thread Rules & Etiquette:
1. Don't be shy! Your first post ideally should contain a picture of yourself. Introduce yourself and say hi, then post your family, or other personal things.
2. Remember, it's a picture thread! Please make sure a picture is being posted at least every 10 posts. Warnings can be given if chitchat is the only thing being posted.
3. Please don't make replies to this thread if you don't post pictures. Please post at least one picture per week (Sun-Sat) in order to comment in the thread.
4. Your picture should be in good taste and all persons in your picture should be fully clothed. This ain't THAT kinda thread, if you know what I mean.
5. If you have a question about a picture, please PM or send a profile comment to the person rather than replying here. To avoid clutter, please limit responses to comments on pictures and replies to comments.
6. Make sure you don't spam the thread. Small and insignificant replies will be deleted. Why do you like said picture? How does it make you feel? Do you relate to anything in the picture? Be sure to elaborate.
7. DO NOT QUOTE IMAGES. For the love of all things holy, do not do this! You will be warned.
Have fun!
~ PB Staff
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