The Best Way to Play Dragapult ex — A Look at Regidrago VSTAR


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Hello PokeBeach readers! Isaiah here, and I am happy to be writing another article for you all! Last time, I covered my Lugia VSTAR deck list that I played for the North America International Championship. While I absolutely love playing that deck, I have certainly found things to be a bit boring lately in this format, with Standard feeling mostly irrelevant because the World Championships will have Shrouded Fable legal, and there are no other major events in the current format, instead being limited to only League Challenges and League Cups.

With this pseudo “offseason” period during June, I have spent a lot of time on alternate formats, such as Expanded or the unofficial Eternal Format (a variant of Unlimited), and when I have been putting time into Standard, it has mainly been with decks...

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It's a strong deck with a lot of utility but personally I don't like it more than regular Dragapult or Raging Bolt. It's rather tragic when you start the game with Giratina V or Raging Bolt, happened to me a few times. Noivern ex doesn't really do enough damage and often gets outplayed by Boss's Order and Prime Catcher. Lastly, compared to a Raging Bolt deck, it's harder to attack right away if you go second. You need to evolve, get certain cards in your discard pile etc.
It's a strong deck with a lot of utility but personally I don't like it more than regular Dragapult or Raging Bolt. It's rather tragic when you start the game with Giratina V or Raging Bolt, happened to me a few times. Noivern ex doesn't really do enough damage and often gets outplayed by Boss's Order and Prime Catcher. Lastly, compared to a Raging Bolt deck, it's harder to attack right away if you go second. You need to evolve, get certain cards in your discard pile etc.

Comparing Regidrago to Raging Bolt isn't that good a comparison point when the two decks do drastically different things with the Raging Bolt itself. Drago aims to take advantage of whatever the best tool is at a given moment which might be raging bolt one-shotting a pokemon that other options can't. Bolt (the deck) aims to one-shot whatever is in front of it as swiftly as possible.

If you are playing to Noivern's Covert Flight as a wincon, you are aiming to bench as little as necessary and utilize Penny (or Scoop up Cyclone like some lists do) so that Boss and Prime Catcher aren't options for the opponent.

As for opening Tina V or Raging Bolt, the chances of opening 1 of them and only them if you play both is around a 1/9 to a 1/10, and only around a 1/20 if you don't play any more basics like that besides Raging Bolt. Use those numbers however seen fit. A bunch of the lists popping up on Play Limitless as of recent that do run both Bolt and a shred option are opting to play Scoop-up Cyclone to avoid dependence on a supporter for removing the bad starter from play, to mixed success.